Desperately trying understand the reasoning of Trump supporters

Look at the Republican message for the 2018 midterm they were screaming D’s want to flood America will illegals, its an invasion and the D’s don’t want to stop it.

look at the Democrat message for 202 Republican are inhuman monsters locking children in cages and exploiting families.

neither party is running on why you should vote for them
they are running on why you shouldn’t vote for the other side.

my point is that neither party run based on why you should vote for them, they run on why if they loose hell is going to freeze over and its doomsday in America.

the political landscape of America shifted when Johnson lunched the first “Attack ad”

They are mini single issue voters on both sides well these people don’t talk as much about politics as we do. For instance The majority of my family are pretty liberal type people. We could care less about gay marriage and other social issues, But they pretty much all vote Republican for one reason only “taxes”.

There are many Democrats who vote the same way whether it’s for raising taxes or if they work in government and think the Democrats are their best to either keep their job or for a pay raise

If I’m correct that I had ad was used against Barry Goldwater way before my time but yes it was devastating to his campaign.

Im starting to understand it a bit better now, thanks

Your real young I am in mid to late 30’s I didn’t pay any attention to politics until 2007 and really got into the Ron Paul movement and Many of my positions have changed and I am sure they will continue to. I use to be 100% against Medicare for all but at this point at were we are at it might be the best best. Welcome to the forums btw…

The emotional aspect of politics is so important. Studies show that many of our decisions are made on the basis of emotions. We then use reality/facts/logic to rationalize and support those decisions that were already made by our hearts. Similar thing may happen in politics, dont know for sure.
But i do know that the emotional aspect plays a big role in politics.
Welcome to the boards, have fun!

For the record as my profile name implies I am an Australian domiciled in the state of Western Australia. Also for the record I would place myself to the left of Bernie Sanders for an American reference point.

A number of responses to your queries speak to everything other than to your query. It is very hard to defend the indefensible.

I hope that you do engage in the political process and vote in the 2020 elections and subsequent elections. With respect to who you should vote for that depends on your views and beliefs My own view is that as a society we have a responsible to provide universal health care. We should look after those in society that need that help. Education and health amongst other things should not be dependent on the person’s socio-economic position. My country within the last 10 years has initiated a National Disability Insurance Scheme to look after people with disabilities. That is just some of the priorities I have when determining who to vote for. And to preempt some responses that I am sure will be posted my country is by no means perfect. My country’s treatment of those seeking refugee status is appalling, inhumane and reprehensible.

My advice would be to engage with your friends and have discussions about where you think your country is heading and whether that direction is the right one. I would recommend that you encourage your friends to also engage in the political process.

Hopefully the above has been of some interest to you.

Let me finish on a positive. If all seems lost, try watching this for some inspiration that things can be good (from Puccini’s Gianni Schicchi)

CJ I am not sure how this happened. My apologies if I am responsible.

Dude. You’re wasting your time.

Is that really how it goes, @DougBH? Really? So you’re accusing Democrats of defending Obama on his vacations, but hypocritically attacking Trump for the sole act of vacationing?

Or is it that Democrats are calling out Trump for vacationing after he and Fox and his supporters spent 8 years crying about the Obamas vacationing, and now suddenly don’t care about Trump vacationing?

Do I really need to link this from Trump:

or this

Do we need to go back and look at all the times Fox and hosts called out Obama for taking a vacation? Or golfing?

To suggest that Democrats are holding Trump to any standard but the one he and Fox and Republicans set for vacationing while Obama was president leaves out some pretty important information and context, don’t you think Doug?

After years of complaining about Obama’s vacations and golfing, Trump ran saying he wouldn’t have time to vacation and golf because he’d be so busy. Can holding Trump to the standard he and his favorable media set during the Obama years really be considered “blasting Trump on his” vacation? Or is it just holding him to the standard Obama was held for vacations when he was president?

What do you say, Doug? Don’t you think it’s important to mention that Democrats are only holding Trump and Fox to the standard for vacation and golf that was set for Obama?

Doug, if you want to go down the rabbit hole of who blasted who for vacationing, I don’t think it will go how you think. Would you like to go there? I’ll gladly take the plunge with you if you’d like. And we can include Bush’s use of AF-1 as a personal taxi while officially spending 1k+ days of his 8 year presidency on vacation.

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Do your research on all the Obama scandals being investigated, Uranium One, Benghazi, Hillarys Server, Fisa abuse, Spygate. If you are relying on the news that pushed the Russian collusion lie you will forever be uninformed.

Democrats can complain all they want because it won’t stop Trumps Patriots from finishing their investigation in to Obama’s attempted coup.

Bro, Qanon is dead.

This why most Republicans don’t vote for Democrats!


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How about weapons of mass destruction?

Trump is Q bro, why do you think he’s just popular as Trump around the world.

If fat donald is Q, why did he shutdown 8chan?

It’s shut down temporarily!

Knowing Obama’s Deepstate traitor have been replaced with Patriots I’m not worried anymore!