Desperately trying understand the reasoning of Trump supporters

I highly criticized her for it at the time. Turns out to be one of the few things I’ve ever agreed with her on.


We’re in bigger trouble than Trump if half of the country is racist deplorables.

First, you pretty much have them pegged. They can’t defend the indefensible so they nudge the topic to a more comfortable location. SOP

Second, don’t use symbols to take the place of cursing or what we call here, filtered words. Type them out and let the filter do it’s job. Otherwise you have committed a ‘filter bypass’.

Adding words for effect I see?

Also half of 20% of the country is significantly lower than “half the country”

Wait are you saying trump is a fiscal conservative, obama did a great job with the deficit and brought it down significantly. What has trump done besides double the deficit since he took over. Seriously I can not understand how he has support. I pride myself on being able to look at an issue without bias and cant not figure out how anyone could support him without ignoring reality. I was worried maybe I was biased so im trying to understand supporters reasoning without writing off a third of the country as delusional.

I get you point tho, democrats are so ■■■■■■■ dumb they are going to make the choice trump or open borders and reparations. I feel like giving them healthcare for free at the ER would actually be cheaper than spending the like 1000 dollars a day per migrant to detain them tho.

Trump and friends pounded Obama on his vacations and golfing constantly, it was a massive deal. There was a poll where almost 80% of republicans thought his golfing and vacation costs where a significant issue. I cant stand liars and hypocrites especially one who is so just open about it, it shows he has no values and his words are meaningless. After all the bitching and outrage about Obama vacation and gold costs trump comes along and CRuSHES Obamas 8 year numbers in 2, its ■■■■■■■ hilarious and disgusting at the same time, and then he found a way to funnel the money into his own companies which is just so scummy. At least Obama golfed at the military golf courses instead of funneling his money into his own properties. I really just want to understand what changed and how they just stopped caring about that issue. It makes me feel like trump supporters have no real values when you can go from outrage to uncaring in a blink of an eye. Im not gonna mention another issue so I can try to understand one topic at a time.

We both know what they mean by deplorable.

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Just because all racists are deplorable doesn’t mean all deplorables are racist

also not even close to being “half of the country”

No Trump is defiantly not a fiscal conservative. I was saying as a conservative/libertarian it would be nice if we had a fiscal conservative, but that’s just my alignment. If I had to label Trump it would be a Rockefeller Republican.

To better understand before writing people off think of it this way border security is a huge issue to us, that might not make a whole lot of sense to someone on the left but it is important of an as issue as healthcare is to the left. Each candidate on that stage raised their hand in support for decriminalizing the border (Open Borders) this is lunacy to someone on the right and we don’t have to love Trump to hate that. Also they are talking about taking firearms, I don’t own one it’s not a huge issue to me but to the majority of the party they would rather put up with Trumps lies and rhetoric.

Oh. Political spiel bothers you that much? Too bad.
But most likely you didn’t notice the Democrats who defended Obama on his vacations blasting Trump on his.

Party politics, which is strange coming for Canada where majority of voters don’t vote down party lines.

They also tampered with the snack machine at the federal Metropolitan Correctional Center in Manhattan.

Feelings again.

How can you miss the point so much… Blatant liars and hypocrisy disgusts me to my core and I know i’m not alone in that. Trump ran on how he would be so busy and constantly working he would have no time to golf and was constantly attacking Obama for being lazy and golfing along with fox news and other repubs. It was a constant attack on Obama and its one I and 80% of republicans agreed with according to polls, I felt it was wrong for presidents to take million dollar vacations on the tax payers dime so I sided with Trump. Now this clown gets in office and in 2 years he has already passed Obamas 8 year spending and funnels the millions into his own company which makes it even more disgusting.

Its beyond just hypocrisy, I don’t even know a word to describe constantly moaning and bitching about Obama doing something and then when you get into office you do the exact same thing x4 and as a plus manage to take the taxpayer money funding your trips and funnel it into your own company. Its so scummy, low disrespectful to our Country. Some people get outraged over people kneeling during the athem and how its disrespecting the company but seem to give a pass to this crap which is 100x worse.

Im shocked that you just compared democrats being angry that someone who attacked obama for something gets In office and does the same thing many times more than Obama and in a way that he is actually profiting off. For real do you seriously think they are the same???

Party comes first it doesn’t matter.

How do people just ignore reality tho, I’m really trying to understand politics better and i’m just getting more and more sad talking to both sides of the spectrum.

because they are not moderate voters.

Republicans will never vote for a Democrat even if it was Jesus and vice versa, political parties have made it about fear of the other side by doing this they have made themselves the last bastion of hope for their party base so they could run the devil himself and Rs and Ds would still punch the ticket because its better then the dystopian image they are selling.

Hillary - I call the basket of deplorables . (Laughter/applause) Right? (Laughter/applause) They’re (((racist))), sexist, homophobic, xenophobic – Islamophobic – you name it.

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I voted for Obama in 08. Senator Obama ran on border security the harm of outsourcing on American jobs as well as healthcare. As I said before it was and easy choice I felt McCain (r.i.p.) was to hawkish and would get us in another war or worse.