Desperately trying understand the reasoning of Trump supporters

The 2016 election was the first election I would have been old enough to vote in but I refrained because I strongly disliked both candidates for their lies and shameless hypocrisy. At the time if I had to have picked one I would have went for Trump for the sole reason Hillary supporters annoyed me more. After seeing more of Trumps actions in office I would go with Hillary due to the massive hypocrisy and lies of Trump if I had the choice again.

I hate hypocrisy but when Trump was attacking Obama on the amount of time he spent golfing I was with him because it seemed very expensive and out of touch, but when trump gets into office and has already spend more money and time golfing than Obama did in his entire presidency after saying he wouldn’t do it I get genuinely angry, especially because he spends the money at his own clubs meaning the 100 million spend is going into his companies pockets. How do trump supports deal with that? On top of that I learned he lied and cheated on his pregnant wife with multiple prostitutes and then apparently paid them off in a sketchy way during the election, Is this ok with you guys? Im honestly just trying to get some answers on how trump supporters excuse stuff like that and him awarding 1000 dollars per day per migrant detained in a no bid contract to john kellys company.

Hopefully I can get a better idea of how people are able to support someone who in my mind seems like an obvious scummy conman. Maybe im misinformed or missing something but I spend a decent amount of time making researching before I came to a conclusion.

Is this the russian collusion we heard so much about?

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Thats another thing, when all of your campaign higher ups end up arrested and jailed for lying about russia it kinda makes you think that obvioisly he is hiding something there. If everyone in a company goes down for drug distrubution except the ceo obviously he knew about it.

mueller had two years to investigate and write up a nice clear report to say if that happened.

He didn’t.

It didn’t.


I feel like you must have read a completely differant report than me.

No collusion.

Just a bunch of corrupt gubmint libs.


NONE of the campaign “higher ups” as you call them were arrested and/or jailed for lying about Russia! Papadopoulos worked in the campaign a few weeks and was “set up” for a process crime. Manaford worked for the campaign for a few months as a brokered convention expert and was arrested for a 12 year old crime that had nothing to do with Russia! It’s clear you need to do more research!

Obviously! :roll_eyes:

You give him too much credit.

You are doing something I have noticed that is very common in trump supporters, instead of addressing the brought up issues you try to focus the topic onto something else that is sorta of defensible and you can kinda of argue in defense of with out seeming completely insane. Instead of addressing the fact that trump constantly attacked Obama over how much he spent golfing and vacationing using government money and then he has went and already spent way more than Obama did in 8 years in like quarter of that time while spending tax payer money at his own companies or one of the other points I brought up that is pretty much indefensible you refocus the issue onto something that you can sort of have a debate about.


Roger Stone: Charged with lying to Congress

Konstantin Kilimnik: Charged with obstruction of justice

Michael Cohen: Pleaded guilty to tax and bank charges, campaign finance violations and lying to Congress

Alex van der Zwaan: Served 30 days in prison for lying to investigators

Former Trump campaign aide Rick Gates: Pleaded guilty to lying to investigators

Konstantin Kilimnik: Charged with obstruction of justice

Yeah, the kenyan ladyboy sucked at golf, and didn’t even own his own golf course to play at.

Now he’s a fabulous 1%er who is too busy hanging out with billionaires to say anything negative about trump.

Do you think he’ll win the academy award next year??

Noble effort, but you’ve already received the best response you’ll ever get from Donald’s base.


Are they trolling or serious, I never brought up Mueller because it can be debated and both sides have valid points. So I brought up topics I felt disqualifies trump from being supported in my mind to understand how they deal with those issues and now everyone is talking about #$@$ing mueller report I didnt mention one time in the post…

In 2016 the democrats elected Hillary Clinton there’s really nothing else to explain. But to elaborate many in the West was looking for a populist as they were looking for change (Hence why Sanders won 23 states in the primary). Hillary whether rightly or wrongly looked as if she represented the political elite the Champaign Socialists. Whereas Bernie came off as authentic and told it like it was like Trump did whether you like him or not.

Add in people were sick of PC culture, outsourcing of labor, and the total disregard of the migration mess at the southern border. To be honest I am surprised the democrats look like they are going to repeat 2016 and go with Biden. Here is a man who ran for president three times one of which he was crushed by Hillary. The lady who lost to the biggest clown.

Then throw in calling half of the country a basket of deplorables.

Never doubt that they are serious.

Insane SJWs who are out completely out of touch with reality was one of the main reasons I didn’t support Clinton and would have voted trump if I had to have voted. Now that he has had a chance to be in office I can judge him on his actions and his hypocrisy and constant lying reaffirms my decision. Now it seems trump supporters are becoming the new delusional SJWs calling facts fake news and living and their own reality. For real how do trump supports deal with his hypocrisy on Vacations and golfing and how he just straight up lied to your faces so many times?

Blockquote Never doubt that they are serious.> Blockquote

Its actually depressing I was hoping I was missing something.

If you are a conservative it’s a lonely planet, in a perfect scenario to us a sound fiscal conservative statesmen would take the helm, but in the real world we have Trump. And on the other side a party scrambling as fast as they can to see which one can go furtherest to the left.

They were even bashing Obama’s policies the other night. So a lot of us on the right really don’t care for Trump and his rhetoric but the other option is a party who wants to give free medical care to illegals, reparations and decriminalizing the border. Where are the centralists? I voted for Obama in 08 but the current Democratic Party has went to far to the left for a lot of us to even consider.

How do I deal with it? Mostly I vote on issues rather than who is hypocritical about golf or not.

Since Trump has become President, deficits and golfing no longer matter.

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