Desperately trying understand the reasoning of Trump supporters

Stupidity was the Russian collusion lie pushed by Obama’s Deepstate in their failed coup. :rofl:

Don’t worry Trumps divers Patriots will prevail!

Will that be like Horowitz?

Oh wait! Is there going to be ANOTHER D5?

Cuz the last one was a bust.

Wait. None of your hopes are coming true.

Maybe because they’re all Fake News.

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I have no problem with someone criticizing they way Trump attacked Obama’s vacations and then could care less about the number of expense of his.
The poster is carrying the significance of that a bit far. In fact, he is having a fit. At one point in one of his rants he uses that as part of a reason of his hate for Trump.
I can agree to a criticism of the way Trump acted but still find other reasons to vote for him and not have a complete fit.
There’s such a thing as perspective.

So Trump’s blatant hypocrisy, displayed over and over again, cannot be a reason to hate Trump?

I agree, I wouldn’t use it as a sole reason to hate Trump. Perhaps the poster has additional reasons?

Is the fake news keeping Durham’s investigation from you?

Sounds like it.

Clinton is so far from being a Socialists it is insane anyone would think this. She was a corrupt politician who made her wealth catering to Wall Street. If someone thinks wall street is Socialist then they are really barely function metal capacity.

Which means you are a right leaning moderate in Aussie Land. It is so insane in the US that Sanders is considered far left wing when his policies are basically moderate slightly to left 60 years ago. The US has gone so far right that many right wingers think Fascism is good and talk about Trump increasing power of POTUS.

How could any reason be had to hate such a perfect and Holy messenger sent from God as Mr. Trump is?

-Avg Trump supporter

Not sure how you came to that conclusion. I definitely am left of centre. If it was up to me with respect to the gun law reforms:

(i) there should be no exceptions; background checks should be mandatory;
(ii) magazine capacities should be limited to a single digit;
(iii) assault type rifles should be permanently banned;
(iv) a register should be kept of all gun licences and forensics kept of all firearms

would be a good start.

This is one of the reasons I didn’t vote for McCain, I felt he would take us into another. On a side note I hate talking ill about the dead.

This is why I called her a champagne socialist. Kind of like those kids that go to ivory league schools for $70,000 a year and read about Karl Marx.

From a political perspective I could never support John McCain and I think his choice of running mate was bizarre to say the least. Notwithstanding the above I find it reprehensible that he could be attacked whilst he was alive because he was a POW.

The fact that Trump continues to attack him now shows just what an appalling individual he is.

Consider every Trump supporter a Patriot!

Nice thread, thank you!

The way I look at it, Trump is incidental. They (his supporters) honestly don’t care so much about him, they just like that he is cruel to the people they dislike.

It does call for some rationalizations and excuses from time to time, actually quite a lot of them, but in the end they feel that it is worth it because he upsets Liberals. Plus, he is quite successful at placing judges. Think about the Evangelicals. For decades the GOP made promises and never kept them and now with this terrible President they are getting what they have been waiting for. Sure, he’s terrible but he is delivering.

The way the country is going, the chances for the GOP to take the White House gets slimmer and slimmer as demographic changes tilt inexorably towards minority voters, younger voters who heavily lean Liberal, female voters and college educated voters. All of those groups heavily lean Democratic.

But it may take a decade to take full effect.

In the meantime the GOP can mess with gerrymandering, cull voter registers, allow outside influencers like Russia and dark money to foment dissent and weaken voter security. This will buy them some time and get the Judicial branch tilted strongly Conservative for decades to come. And Trump is delivering on this.

All they have to do is ignore how awful he is while enjoying the pain he inflicts on people they find distasteful.

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they just like that he is cruel to the people they dislike.

We dislike criminals like Obama and his Deepstate traitors.

Tell us please why you like criminals like Obama and his Deepstate traitors?

This sounds "Q"ish

Sounds like he’s ignoring Durhams investigation in to Obama’s Deepstate traitors.

Your desperation gets more and more palpable each day. You trash the principle of innocence until proved guilty with gay abandon.

Innocence like Agent Brian Terry being killed by one of the Obamaguns sold to Drug Cartels.

Obama was one sick puppy!

Are you able to translate that into English please?