"Dems Only" restaurants...Just like Whites only?

And then they stop her at the border of the elevator…LMAO … She should have said… “No Hablo”, and walked in…lol!

Maxine Waters for Speaker

This is the civil rights of the 21st century.

The indomitable Maxine Waters, stunning well-coiffed hair and fashionable pants suit, has taken the mantle of leadership to energize the Blue wave.

Impeach 45 is coming, Trump supporters can do nothing but hide behind their Bibles, pickups and gun racks.

America belongs to immigrants. They will rise and fall no more. Everyone in America, from sea to shining sea, knows their time has come. This is the issue Democrats will ride to a super majority by 2020.

So much drama.

I wish all entrepreneurs would make their hate public so I can vote too with my $. Don’t be chicken…stand up for what you believe.

Lol!! The Republicans were the ones that worked with Johnson to get the Civil Rights Act passed. The Republican president sent in the National Guard to enforce desegregation because the dems were refusing to allow “those children” into white schools. The democrats filibustered the Civil Rights Act. In particular, Sen. Robt KKK Byrd. His name is still on dozens of government buildings to this day. The racist dems stayed with their KKK party. The racists dems hated the Republicans for voting for rights for “those people.” And the dims are still the KKK party today. Still honoring Margaret Sanger. Still honoring Robert Byrd. Still keeping blacks living in poverty, violence, illiteracy, and despair. Of course, the dems don’t wear the white sheets anymore. They are much sneakier about their hate now. They just accuse others of that which they are most guilty.


Good lord. And me without my fainting couch.

So are you pretending to be ignorant of history and of the Dixiecrats, or are you genuinely uninformed on this topic and of history? :thinking:

There you go…and I wouldn’t step one foot in it.

you act like a Trump supporter would be shocked by this. they’ll support it.

The average voter finds the left’s behavior offensive, I say stand aside and let the left self destruct.

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You won’t be able to replace Hillary with Waters. You guys are wasting your time. She is too much like a sitcom character.

The right elects a president who says offensive things daily. No problem.

The left asks the press secretary to leave a restaurant. OMG THEY ARE SELF DESTRUCTING!!!


I stated the facts. You should be ashamed to belong to a party that has such a long and shameful history of hate, prejudice and racism. You can’t hide from it by trying to rewrite history. I know that was a popular ploy of the old democrats to try a cover up their racist history. That lie hasn’t worked in a long time. You guys need new material.

Post your facts then… I am interested in what you found.

Another question, who today would be more likely to support a civil right bill?

Belong to what party? The Democrats? :rofl:

I’ve been a principled conservative for likely longer than you have been alive. The last party I belonged to was the GOP, but they left me years and years ago.

And yes, you stated some facts. But you conveniently left out other facts that do not comport in your attempt at some sort of intellectually vacuous political point scoring. Those were the facts I was questioning you on.

Do us all a favor and look up how the Republican and Democrat parties have evolved over the past 150 years or so.

Hey I’m all for the left showing the American people who they really are, bravo! Every time the left does that they lose elections LOL

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Why would he do that? It’s easier to believe and repeat a bald-faced lie.

On Fox & Friends a gal had group of Democrats Independents and Republicans “dial” their approval on various issues, when Waters appeared calling for harassment of Trump people, the Democrats indicated 80% plus approval.

So its not just “the left wing” of the party anymore, the left wing is the Democrat Party.

My only regret, “blue dog Democrats” are flocking to the Republican party, bringing with them their silly Democrat ideas. They are like liberals who escape high taxes, lunatic policies in NY, but then transform the southern cities where they move, into the same high tax, lunatic rung governments.

It don’t make sense.