Democrats sure loves thier crony capitalism

thanks for that

i didnt know that

poor people who rent are going to get pushed out and replaced by yuppies

plus subway problems

but man its amazon

When MBNA Bank moved it’s operations into midcoast Maine in the 90’s they spent a ton of money in the area. I know people who went to college on a full ride because of the good will that that bank wanted to sew into the community.

Amazon would be wise to spend money into the massive housing project that they are going to be neighbors with.

But they won’t.

Because this is 2018 late stage capitalism.

Actually a good post…and tax incentives for Amazon isn’t near enough to fund the infrastructural that will be needed.

And that’s a problem with any tax incentives that’s handed out.

Which part of the deal fits the definition, OP?

oh it isnt crony capitalism

i think hes just mad

but he still has a point

Saus the party of trump where you can buy yourself the position of secretary of education lol

There are other problems also. That area hasn’t yet really experienced rent blight which is real problem in the city, but as the neighborhood increasingly gentrifies, you will see the massive land development trusts hold out for higher rents from national chains.

That is a real problem in the city right now.

It is even hitting my neighborhood in Brooklyn.


Sounds like what happened in San Francisco.

Yeah… it is becoming a problem.

I wanted to like DeBlasio, his house is in my neighborhood, he seemed like he would do some good.

He is in the pockets of the developers as much as anybody.

A good article on the tech industry forcing gentrification.

So, the tech boom has led to a huge influx of the upper middle class in the San Francisco Bay Area. And if you’ve been following the story, you can guess that this led to some major gentrification. There was huge demand for housing within commuting distance of Silicon Valley, so property managers found they could jack up rents. The current residents who couldn’t afford the housing were forced to move. Residents of some neighborhoods were even offered money to leave their homes so that they could be demolished to make way for new high rise apartment buildings.

FoxConn has been unpopular because this wealthy corporation got this giant tax package and it’s plopped down in already prosperous Southeast Wisconsin (Milwaukee region) and the rural and small town areas of North, Central, and Southwest Wisconsin are pissed at being forced to pay for something which will provide them zero benefits.

This on the heels of the ridiculous taxpayer payouts to billionaires for new Milwaukee Bucks stadium.

But that corner of the state is home to Walker and the country club Republicans.

I have always felt the cities especially desirable coastal cities need to ask a lot more from corporations and if at the end of the day they don’t want their headquarters in San Francisco or New York City fine.

This bending over backwards for corporations especially on the tech side is detrimental to communities.

This cartoon kind of sums up how a lot of people feel.

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According to the article I read in this mornings NYT, Amazon has committed to job training for those who live in the projects.

Also, my H said NYS has agreed to funding improvements to the infrastructure - so a few more billion in $. It sounded to me like this money wasn’t formally a part of deal, though. The city has been trying to get more funding from the state for the MTA.

I didn’t press H for more details because he doesn’t like to talk about work after he gets home and it’s not the part of the state budget he is directly in charge of.

Well… I will look into that


Yes, Conan, the Dems do this. How does this square with calling them socialists? The Dems I know are the wealthiest capitalists in the county. And it’s a huge county. Time to retire the socialist mantra?

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Was this the article? If so I didn’t see anything about them putting anything into the projects.

On another note… to illustrated the rapid building, the picture with the jetBLue headquarters… the highrises in that picture are all new construction from the past ten years. The only tall building in the area was the Citibank building. Everything else was three stories.

oh man you dont know the people i know

the socialist thing is never going away

i half believe it sometimes but it gets a little kneejerky for my taste

You forgot to put in the link.

I am capitialist when capitalism is the best answer and socialist when socialism is the best answer.