Democrats, step aside. You failed. Again

Why would anyone vote for a president that just wanted to do special things for one segment of the population?
Why do I never hear anyone ask what is the left going to do to help the poor white people in the United States? Or what’s the left going to do for the poor Native Americans in the United States?
Why is only one group special and the focus of the left?
Maybe the left really don’t care for anyone but themselves and pandering to only one segment of the population is are strategy of the left to get votes.
Maybe the GOP would rather lift of all poor people in the United States. Maybe a lot of conservatives in the United States feel that the left are being racist and bigots for only wanting to provide help for one segment of the population.
I could care less who the black population votes for. And in light of the on going events all I can say is all the other poor people in the United States should be asking why are we worth less to the left than some black person.

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Witnessed presidential thuggery from Texas, and they couldn’t get to DC fast enough in order to protest the lowlife president.

But sure, he’s going to get the black vote this time. From my link:

“Beautiful view,” JuanCarlos Quintanilla said as he and his wife marched along New Jersey Avenue. The white U.S. Capitol building came into view against a bright blue afternoon sky.

Quintanilla, 44, and his wife, Ana Elsa Quintanilla, were among a crowd of more than 1,000 people who marched from the White House to the Capitol about 6 p.m. Sunday.

It was JuanCarlos Quintanilla’s first time in the District. The couple and their three adult children drove 2,000 miles from El Paso in two vehicles to join the protest.

“We saw the phony photo shoot the president did, and he started tear-gassing people — peaceful protesters — just for the photo shoot,” he said. “That’s what really ticked us off, right there. That did it for us. That was, like, the last straw.”

They left about 11:30 a.m. Friday and arrived about 5 p.m. the next day, stopping only for food and gas. “I was just eager to get here as quickly as possible,” he said.

Yes. That will sink Orange Man too.

This will require some anxious sheep noises.

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why’d you cut off his last name?

worked so well in 2016.

Hmm. I’m not sure how that happened. Looks like it may have been edited between my copy and pastes. What difference does it make?

Well. It’s 2020 now. :+1:


is Juan Carlos your example of how black people aren’t going to vote for Trump?

Because Juan ain’t black

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sure is, and this never trumper has been won over.

Umm, no. That a Hispanic family from Texas, a couple and their three grown children, witnessed presidential thuggery, and they couldn’t get to DC fast enough to support Black Lives Matter.

But sure, the black people are going to vote for The Donald.


some will

holy crap!


maybe black people are finally getting tired of being used by racist democrats and being assumed they are idiots for leftist power wish neuroses.

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Last you checked what? He was great mayor btw.

It goes LaGuardia (just as that edge of 75 lol)

There were others who managed to keep the city together when it had no business doing so.

koch was tolerable. city was a mess though.

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No they didn’t. Do you think police departments have a higher percentage of bad people than other professions? If so, why?

Has Orange man debated your nominee Dr. Dementia yet? Better hope Joe can avoid all three.

Is Juan Carlos Quintanilla from El Paso black?

I do. They are attracted to the power.

I know one who openly admits it.

It’s hard not to be.