Democrats emulating the Russians

And Americans participating in American elections.

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Do you believe the Russians affected votes?

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Not allowed to use social media now that Mueller caught trump camp conspiring with russians

Isn’t that the point of these investigations? So it’s ok to use their tactics?

Politics have no place on social media. I support laws against such a thing.

Do you think Americans have more of a problem with the what of the Russian tactics or The Who?

Hint, the answer is that Russians shouldn’t be participating in our elections.

Just like it’s ok for Americans to contribute money to American campaigns, but not OK for Russians and especially the Russian ■■■■■■■ GRU.

I hope this helps.

Republicans work with Russians to win elections.

Democrats work with Americans to win elections.

Both should be illegal IMO.


Oh… so the fact that russians were involved in american elections wasnt the problem for conservatives…

It was the tactics they opposed…

Makes sense i guess…

They have no problems working with russians as long as they only use conservative approved tactics…

Like constant blatant lies and using illegal funds…


Mueller isnt investigating the morality of running social media campaigns :rofl:

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Do you believe the Russians affected votes? You’re dodging. .

Strange that this needs explaining

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And paying off porn stars

This thread didn’t turn out so well.

Feels like, I dunno, an impulsive Syria pullout decision.


C’mon dont you know that everyone was upset because like generally people in general were like using the internet and tv and media to run political ads and messages. Just like…generally speaking you know. That’s what Mueller is generally investigating.

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That is a patently false accusation. Democrats might TRY and emulate the Russians but they will never be able to manipulate Donald the way Putin has.

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Do you support laws against these types of tactics?


Acceptable? Sure, why not, it was apparently a singular minor experiment in one election only, plus there was no evidence that it had any real effect on the outcome of that particular election, and there does not seem to be a shred of any evidence that any election laws were broken.

It did yield informative results, we the people know about the whole thing, so yeah, I am ok with it.

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After the fact, people know about it. Cool. Hope the Republicans start playing like that. Small experiment, but it worked. Larger scale next time?