Democrats Build Back Bankrupt Bill

What view is right in you opinion?

Yeah…I wouldn’t fess up to the truth that makes you look so baaa, baaa, baaad either. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

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You took a cartoon that juxtaposed the current lawless environment of prog government and the totalitarian puppet in the white house and are making a serious comment about it?

In my world taxation is antithetical to freedom? How so?

None of them.

Using taxation to impose your will

Without taxation, how do you propose funding government?

So what are you saying, again?

His will is apparently the only right idea in his house. ■■■■ everyone else. Typical liberalease

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It’s a sad statement on our media that the only person asking the question is Charlamayne Tha God?

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It’s a bad political cartoon.

Are you creating a narrative for me?

Based on what?

Everything I’ve said about it in this thread.

If the shoe fits.

I must have missed it. Please send my your executive summary

Which shoe? Feel free to quote me in this thread saying anything about how my will in the only “right idea”
or " ■■■■ everyone else" You’re trying to create a narrative about me based on your own preconceived notions.

There are less than 60 posts in this thread… you can go review it yourself.

What YOU/Libs want is government to use American own money to control American people…just come out and admit it. Be honest for a change.


I don’t think “funding the government” is the problem.