Democrats ARE Above the Law


You need to read the bill. It’s not about tiktok. It’'s not even mentioned because it’s not really about that. It’s warrantless intrusion and because they had everyone buy into a tiktok “ban” it will go through and then y’all can act surprised when ■■■■ hits the fan.

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When you can spend multiple years in prison for using a VPN…it’s a bad law.


Under Muller we found out that alot of the people under Sessions were leftist with a mission. Remember Strzok and company? Strzok and his buddies should be sitting in jail. But the left made sure that did not happen and embraced them, gave them jobs for a job well done.


20 years.

Will we see that lovely “fair” justice system we are seeing now, overseeing this ■■■■■■■■■

I’m as pissed off about this as I was the PA at the time, but they have managed to sell it to the stupid, just like before.


The untrue part is that they had total control. Tell us when did they have 60 senators?

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Yes, they Are. And since the election’s are stolen, there is nothing we can do about it. Perhaps the right will copy the dems vote harvesting schemes. Of course any minor infraction by the reps will be punished as usual. While there is no one to stop the dems. They run the FBI. And we all know it…

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Can you say federal election interference?

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It should be scary to left and right…

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Leftists are the link to everything bad that happened in American History


Here is another Dem above the law. Lots of video.

What if it’s the media who is really the one inviting violence?

This guy who attacked me is named David Forde. He’s a sound guy for CBS News. Looks Like CBS News Sent him 2 lawyers to tell him what to say . He’s now claiming his injured

News media ARE THE AGITATORS. Pick the fight, get the views.

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I say we get down to their level and fight them.
Ill start with a story of Biden falling on the steps 25 times.
If Trump is charged with 1 crime times 34 counts then Biden fell 1 times 25 steps.
Math according to Ds.


:rofl::+1:t5: excellent!


How much do you want to bet that here is more to this story?

So its OK for the media to stir the pot.

Nice dash of racist dogma you tossed in there too.


How much do you want to bet the rest of the story is a lie?

Did you see all the cameras and the snotty coffee comment that started the bully up?


In this single incident.



Tuned in to listen to Joy Reid talk about this and it was just sickening. :face_vomiting: