Democrats ARE Above the Law

It doesn’t even much matter what they do. All the obvious crimes Hillary, Bill, Obama, Biden and their minions have done no charges.

Mostly ignored.

But for republicans harassment, false accusations, fake evidence, fake reasons for impeachment, fake charges, and everyone surrounding republicans subject to harassment and fake charges.

But hey, we should just keep taking it, shoved down our throats, in our face, and shut up…


I love the all of the obvious crimes line followed by “false accusations”

Wasn’t there special counsel appointed that was supposed to create frog marches for many of the above? I think his name rhymes with Purham

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Democrats doesn’t think they’re above the law…they think they’re the law. After all they are authoritarians.


Y’all had the DOJ for 4 years, ran both the House and Senate, have republican DAs in dozens of states. If there are crimes, charge Hillary, Bill, Obama, Biden and their minions. Why hasn’t this been done yet?

That’s not true.


What part?

Keep thinking it through, you’re almost there!


The whole part. TDS is a very bad syndrome

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You are funny Lucylou


above the law? why, it was mostly peaceful…

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If only we’d had a GOP president in the White House in recent history who could have appointed an AG that would ensure that all these alleged crimes of Hillary, Hunter, etc. were prosecuted. It’s too bad really. Maybe one of these decades the GOP will get a president elected, and then prosecutions can proceed.

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The takeaway here is merely this, that being a mobbed up, serial adulterer comes with legal risks.

This part.

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Why didn’t Sessions/Barr invest any time in Bleach Bit, hammers, wipe it with a cloth, 33,000 emails, private unsecured server???

The Sessions part is easy. He recused himself from any investigation involving Hillary before he took office.


He had people working under him.

That does not mean that the DOJ could not do an investigation. In fact there were a number of investigations done with no result. And remember how the Benghazi hearings ended as soon as she was defeated in the 2016 election. I think that a whole bunch of folks just wanted her to go away. It doesn’t seem that anyone was interested in going after her with the exception of a bunch of FIA inspired folks who wanted to bring lawsuits.

Delegation - what a concept. I may have to try that at work sometime.


He shouldn’t have lied during his confirmation about all the contacts he had with Russians, forcing his recusal. Sessions was an overt racist who couldn’t wait to put dopers in jail but he had a quaint personal integrity that handicapped him in the Trump admin.


That’s so cute…his first post in the thread and he throws out racism again.