Democrats ARE Above the Law

That bunch is just mind toxin.

The felony warrant is a big deal.

So is the fast tracking by Bragg…He is in over his head.

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Toxic Critidity

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Apparently democrats have the power to influence and obstruct investigations through the DOJand fire IRS and FBI investigators who are about to Charge a presidents son with money laundering.


There should have been frog marches for the “in our face” and obvious lawlessness and the fact that there just isn’t exposes our justice system has been corrupted and there is no equal justice, it’s more like “equity” justice. If you’ve got enough equity then you are good to break laws with impunity. The justice system doesn’t investigate, indict, the media doesn’t cover it and if the case does make it into a liberal biased courtroom in DC or NY then you’re acquitted! Nifty system if you’re in the right club.

That “above the law” club ranges from Democrat politicians in the WH and Congress to the domestic terrorists on the streets that they support and encourage like antifa and blm.


You’re not upset that you were lied to for years about Russian collusion?

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Upset? They are still trying to convince everyone that it is true and are are going to defend it all to the bitter end.


Again for the 300th time and counting. I have repeatedly said that the Russian collusion was never going to pan out.

You guys should stop thinking we all look alike.

It is corrupt but it also screams of the fact that the hyperbole and the dramatics were just that

The FBI is a problem. A big one.

However this whole two tiered Justice system garbage and inability to understand things like due process and investigation is all on you collective

yeah but did you buy it?

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Why would i?

It was a ridiculous assertion that a candidate for president would work directly with a foreign government to get elected.

I was more of a social media had an effect kinda guy. Glad so many of you finally caught up

The Republican Party itself was split at the time. You had your John McCain wing, including Graham at the time, who were as anti Trump as many Democrats.


“President Donald Trump is always hunting for snitches, he’s quick to retaliate against perceived disloyalty, and loves to reward his associates when they refuse to turn state’s witness. As his critics often point out, the president behaves a lot like a mob boss.”

Good gosh. Or like any politician in DC. Biden even replaced secret service personnel in the WH because he was afraid they might have loyalty to Trump instead of himself.


Really! Hyperbole like Climate change, white supremacy and Donald Trump, racism, J6, and throw a phobia up against the wall are the most dangerous to our democracy crap that the Dems, leftist progressives and the MSM spew out every day like projectile vomiting. Don’t believe our lying eyes or our lying ears and basic common sense…the audacity is stunning.

The FBI is not the only BIG problem, the DOJ is where the rot is, it’s Obama’s toxic legacy and it’s a HUGE problem.


You haven’t done enough to counter your side.

You been around long enough to remember how I fought against republican and conservatives against their expanding authoritarian government.

Gratefully many change their mind set. It wasn’t easy but in the words of Harris, time and witnessing the passage of time they seen it unfold before their very eyes.

This forum history has proven me to be correct with my assessment.

Someone somewhere has to do same thing for democrats.

True liberals isn’t a threat to me…but today’s libs is a direct threat. Sadly not enough “liberal” have taken up that role.


I hadn’t heard that one. Reckon Xiden is scared of the mob?

Were you shaking in your shoes? Being as he had so many Russian friends.

Stop wearing critprog dresses. :wink:


You disagree?

It still is.


That’s because it’s not true.