Democrats and their political establishment has throwing Bernie Bros under the bus

The human shaped pile of dog feces has more of a moral center than the current President.

It has a better tan also.


Did you just compare Trump to dog crap? He is a horrible human being, but even dog crap serves a purpose.


It’s becoming clear democrat party doesn’t want Bernie supporters and his ideas.

Trump serves a great purpose, 6k a year extra in my pocket every year he’s been in office. He basically bought my youngest daughter a new Suburu. And the supreme court is bonus material.

The DNC Establishment wants your vote, not your opinion. :wink:

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What is clear, is that as of now, it looks like the Democratic party wants their best chance at defeating the man you appear to worship.

Don’t worry. If Biden wins the nomination, Republicans will soon start calling Joe a socialist as well.

I, for one, promise not to accuse the Kid Sniffer of being a socialist.


Ah yes, he makes the rich (or well off) even richer.

That really should be the R party platform.

Well good for you!

I guess one needs to make the insult very simple for many Republicans to understand.

Precisely…vote for us elitists snobs and quit your ■■■■■■■ bitching. Be lucky for scraps that we throw you.

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So much for being party of ideas.

He is…

Joe and his kin are socialist run by elitist snobs…while Bernie and his supports are commies but run by/for working people.

Biden is not as liberal as Sanders, but his policies are at least a step in the correct direction. Especially when it comes to nominating judges.

I keep forgetting the wealthy and well off are not entitled to seek representation to improve their lives, just shut up and pay for everything, we know.


Not at all. it makes perfect sense for the top 5%-10% earners of the population to vote for their self interest.
What is impressive, is how the Republican party has convinced so many of the other 90%-95% of the population to vote for them. Of course, they do cheat to do it. But that is another conversation.

Yes…libs decided to go with elitist snobs instead of workers party.

And stock market is reacting.

The OP has a lot invested in the opposite narrative.

Psst, the vast majority of them got a tax cut too, and a better Supreme Court.

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