Democrats and their political establishment has throwing Bernie Bros under the bus

Aw you are worried.

Straight out of the playbook.

Convince Sanders supporters the nomination is being stolen from him again in order to convince Bernie voters to stay home in November.

So obvious it’s almost funny to see it being trotted out again as a ploy to suppress anti-Trump voters…:sunglasses:

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If you canvas and wind up at my house, I’ll invite you in for a cocktail…and then I’ll sneak out and you’ll have to watch my kids.


Your sincere empathy is noted.

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Sanders might have beat Biden. He can’t beat Trump. The same day voting today reflects that.

There’s a reason Trump has been terrified of Joe Biden. All the more reason now.

No and neither is Uncle Joe.

Trump is anything but terrified of Joe Biden.

Bernie may be a far leftist Loon but at least he’s not showing signs of mental deterioration.

If Biden wins the nomination all the press will be on him and he won’t be able to hide it.

If he debates Trump one on one he’ll be eaten alive.

I think Bernie has a significantly better chance of beating Trump but I doubt either he or Biden can do it.

And that’s why he tried to force Ukraine to… well, you know.

There was no attempt to force Ukraine to do anything by Trump. There definitely was by Biden.

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You can reasonably argue it wasn’t impeachable. You can’t argue that he didn’t, through his minions, do it.

There was no force by Trump tacitly or indirectly.

I disagree, the press has been hiding it. Biden is just going t be figurehead. He’s not going to be president even if by some miracle he wins. Same people that was there with Obama will be calling the shot…and same people that used our government against us will be back.

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They can try but once the field is clear he’s going to get all the attention.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not trying to persuade Trump supporters that he’s corrupt.

They covered for Hillary 4 years ago…what had changed since then? If anything the press has gotten much worst.

You realize Bernie Bro is considered an insult, right?

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They tried but we all saw how she was deteriorating on the campaign trail.

Sue me.

On what grounds?