Democrats and Reporters, No Soup For You

Are you trying to make the case that on the issue of abortion, the evangelicals did not see a difference between Trump and Hilary, during the general election?? That they saw both candidates as pro-abortion??

Trump was campaigning on defunding Planned Parenthood, was he not? And what was Hilary’s position on that issue?

I’m sure a lot of evangelicals chose to believe that particular Donald lie. I said that Donald isn’t pro life, not that some people didn’t think he was.

Well maybe Dems and the leftist media shouldn’t have trashed tradition by not supporting a duly elected President. Democrats in Congress are in open resistance and the MSM is atrocious to Trump and his family.

“Congress in open opposition”? Unlike the Republicans with Obama? Are you crazy?

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“The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.”
-Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell in the midst of the deepest recession in 75 years

They were very hostile to Bush as well. But you never saw him complain about it.

Congress’ job doesn’t involve rubber stamping the president’s demands. Congress is supposed to check the president and vice versa.

Supreme Court Justice Merrick Garland would like to have a word with you.

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And this was a serious problem and flaw of GWB. By not defending himself he didn’t defend his voters or the country and emboldened a biased & vicious media. The country paid the price for GWB’s “above it all” attitude and that was 8yrs of the Obama disaster.

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Yeah that’s all fine & dandy but in Trumps case Democrats are in open rebellion, there is no logical “checks & balance” the Dem Party is completely off the rails when it comes to Trumps Presidency and sadly the same can be said for RINO’s. The DC Swamp is deep and dirty!!

Yup, off the rails when Trump can’t get his own party to back him on repeal and replace. Can’t get full funding for the wall. Gets together with both houses to add $4T to our debt in the next ten years. Hands the Democrats twice the outline for a DACA deal and then reneges both times.

The Republicans in congress set records in the number and frequency of filibusterers during Obama’s eight years. They turned against many ideas that they originally created and supported. And now Trump is hell bent to wipe out anything that Obama did without consideration of the impact that it can have on many Americans.

Congress cannot be in “rebellion.” It’s their job to check the president and vice versa.

We aren’t a banana republic.

Dems have no interest in being bi-partisan anymore. Press has no interest in the truth anymore.

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Sure Rush sjpoke about Obama on about the same level as Wash Po and NYTs talk about Trump. Did Rush get invited to a lot of state dinners?

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Poor little libs…they got their feeling hurt once again.

The midterms will be the check on the president when Nancy Pelosi takes over.


How is Trump not pro-life, in your view?

People who consider themselves pro-life do also favor abortions in some circumstances, obvious not all. So when you say “that Donald isn’t pro life,” what exactly do you mean? That he’s not an every sperm is sacred, kind of pro-life, and opposed to all abortions, for any reason?

I mean that all his recent pro life mouthings were lies designed to ingratiate himself to republican voters.

If I recall correctly, Candidate Trump said if elected he would serve cheap fast food or just not have any State Dinners at all.

Now, I have nothing against any President holding State Dinners (like I don’t care if they go golfing, either,) but these things are just dumb to promise on the campaign trail and in Trumps case, further confirm what a liar and moron he is.

i’m very curious to see what promises he makes during the next campaign. Trumpcare? Wipe out the debt?

he may have to run against himself.