Democrats and Reporters, No Soup For You

What mouthings?

Was Trump pro-abotion during the last trimester, or in favor of late term abortions, and suddenly switched?

What constitutes “pro-life?” What is it exactly that you think Trump changed his mind on, and lied about to get elected?

wow. that’s a loaded question. the dude lies about everything.

I see, so people can accuse Trump of whatever they like, and it’s all cool, no need to back up or prove what they claim, cuz they don’t like Trump. That’s weak tea.

What’s the loaded question?? Prove where Trump lied about his stance on abortion. It’s a simple thing to do.

Pro-life, pro-abortion, these are meaningless statements, since the goal posts can be moved willy-nilly, here or there. Pro-life can simply be that I do not favor abortions at all, or I don’t approve of them after the first trimester. Where was Trump on this issue in the past, where is he now? Did it change?

it depends. is he a secret muslim who ran the jade helm thing?

Now you are not being serious. Did you just pop in here to throw stones? It sure seems like it.

hang on. do you not know the question you just asked?

In 1999 he described himself as “very pro-choice.”

He is only anti-abortion now to appeal to his Fundamental Christian base. Anyone who believes otherwise is fooling themselves.

Well then, it should be an easy thing for you to prove what Donald Trump’s position on abortion was before the election.

Was Trump pro-abortion during the last trimester, and suddenly switched?

Was Trump in favor of late term abortions, and suddenly switched?

Was Trump in favor of abortion at any time, for any reason, and suddenly switched?

Just inferring Trump is a lying liar, is not proof.

Perhaps that’s why it took over a year for him to have one.

The French President has already buried Trump in Congress today.

Nothing tops Obama’s “If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor, period!”
Because…people listening to that made a certain decision
that they later regretted.
It’s called a CON.

You don’t have to believe that he is truly pro-life to understand, he wouldn’t be acting against their interests in the same way Hillary would have. Just like liberals didn’t have any problem understanding Obama wasn’t really against gay marriage when they elected him.

When the choice is between someone pretending to agree with you and someone who isn’t even pretending, which is the better choice? There is at least a chance the one pretending to will keep acting like he does, there is no chance the other one will.

What do you think Hillary would have done differently than Donald with regards to abortion?

Do you think there would be any question at all her appointment supported Roe V. Wade?

Would she have done this day one??

from Trump's order on abortion policy: What does it mean? - BBC News

The photograph in question was taken on US President Donald Trump’s first day in the Oval Office on Monday, when he signed a ban on federal money going to international groups that perform or provide information on abortions.

I don’t think her nominee would have even gotten a vote. McConnell made that pretty clear.

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Someone who tells the truth is preferable, imo. The problem with right wingers, imo, is that most are too stupid to know they are being lied to. Then they get their panties all in a twist when their elected officials do the exact opposite of what they promised. You wouid think they would learn by now they are being used - but nope.

Smoking pot in college 30 years ago - unforgivable. Banging porn stars a year ago and paying them to keep quiet - nbd.


Don’t care about either one.