Democratic Pedophile gets slap on the wrist.

Looks like the “sudden interest” in this is simply because the ruling about possible misconduct was just handed down a few weeks ago. Otherwise it’s a 10 year old case that I’m sure was covered well when it was fresh. Sorry if the “liberal media” didn’t spend 10 years hammering on it to your satisfaction. Then again, I don’t thing Fox spent 10 years beating that dead horse either.

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Being against a New York liberal who is against free-trade, for deficit spending and thinks grabbing women by the vagina is a good example of “family values” is not taking a liberal stance…Of the two of us, I’d wager you’re far more liberal than I.

Fair enough? :grinning:


It’s an everybody scandal.

I’ll ask the OP that as well since it’s so relevant to this thread.

Who appointed Acosta as Labor Secretary?

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Yeah, but is he a REAL Republican???

Good research. I applaud this! Which is why my original quote said this:

liberal media will barely touch this story

Had this been a republican scandal David Muir would have led with it.

Is the Miami Herald part of the liberal media?

That has been a really interesting thing to watch over the past couple of years. Those who support Trump rail on conservatives like you and I, while supporting a president who spends like a drunken sailor - running deficits up like there’s no tomorrow. Meanwhile, he is working against free trade capitalism with these tariffs and trying to grab more power from congress and transfer it to the executive branch.

But yet we’re the “libs.” It would almost be funny, if it wasn’t so sad.


Thread title should have been “Republican attorney helps Democratic child molester get slap on the wrist”. If you want to be intellectually honest, anyway.


The sum of the evidence provided does not equal this conclusion.


You really should reword your thread title to “Republican attorney helps Democratic pedophile get slap on the wrist”. If you wanted to be intellectually honest, that is.

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I wonder if the OP knows where that attorney is today?

If he doesn’t, its because he’s ignoring all of the posts that have been telling him this in this thread.

Apparently you don’t get it.

This is a threadfail because 5-10 minutes spent on The Google would have demonstrated that premise of this threadfail was nonsense. Instead, conclusions were jumped to based upon nonsense evidence from a nonsense right-wing rag, and thus we get threadfail.

So many threads, so many fails.


It’s how these #threadfails usually go.

This is certainly not the first, and it likely won’t be the last. As long as many ardent Trump supporters are unwilling to look beyond the bubble of Fox, Breitbiart, Coulter, radio talking heads, etc., this will keep happening.

The “Thank God for the right-wing media” business is really cute, considering that stories playing loose with the facts bring us threads like this.

5 minutes of Google time can prevent laughable face plants like this one.

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At first I read that as “right-wing hag”, which would actually work, too.

Imagine thinking that Ann Coulter is a “news source”?



A plant.

When one relies on op-ed’s by Ann Coulter via Breitbart for their source of news, it becomes incredibly easy to shoot tons of holes in their assumptions with a 3 minute Google search. They spread fake news, and it is like child’s play proving it. :wink:

Now let’s see if @altair1013 will admit his folly and apologize?

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Are you testing me?? :joy::grin::rofl::smile::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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