Democrat Politicians Can't Handle Their California Socialist Utopia

I am fine with it. WE all are, that’s why Prop 6 (the gas tax repeal) was rejected.

We approved the taxes and have even confirmed them multiple times. People need to mind their own business.

Everyone is obsessed with us.

Do you have a government job? Or retired from one? The state is run for their benefit.

Cali is in America. I live in America. Therefore I have a right to have an opinion about it, and I’m an American citizen. Are you saying I don’t have a right to have an opinion on cali, simply because I don’t live there, or my opinion doesn’t matter?

I think that your opinion should matter about the rest of America also, even though you only live in Cali, just as long as you’re an American citizen.

One state as bad as California, or say a really bad city such as Chicago, IL., can effect every state around it, aswell as the whole country in general.

So as an American citizen, why should it matter what state I live in?

No, I do not work, nor have I ever worked for the public sector.

I was out in San Diego last year. Absolutely beautiful. Even saw some homeless people down in the Gaslamp district.

Didnt appreciate the $15 hamburder I ate there though.

I am not whining, I am laughing at your pathetic knowledge of my State. All you have are silly CEC “poop” articles for SF.

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Of course you are allowed to have an opinion. Thing is, no one in Cali cares what you think.


Additionally, you don’t almost double the next closest state in GDP by being a “public sector” state. Get that nonsense out of here.

and that is a state that has been run by a republican governor for close to 20 years so…

I live in Cal too… He’s correct. I’ve seen homelessness rise with the rise of illegals and the over regulated building industry. Cal got very lucky to be the heart of the tech industry with it’s high profit margins. And lots of that is because of the technology base that started in the 50’s and 60s… Other manufacturing has left Cal…

No, you do that with a large population… And the gdp could be a lot bigger and our standard of living could be higher… There’s a reason so many working poor and middle class leave the state…

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A lot of Rich people are leaving Liberal states in general, both Democrat and REpublicans because of how many taxes the Liberal Democrat States have.

Several of those rich people aren’t going to keep all of their within America.
Does that ultimately help America’s Economy, or hurt it?

ultimately that money will come from American tax payers to clean their streets,
and to help out the huge drug problem, and homelessness, and other things.

Democrats act like their state is actually helping America so much, when in actuality
it’s really hurting it a lot.

you are acting like California is the only one or the largest per capita with drug problem. do you have proof of that?

do you need proof that California is one of the biggest states in America?

I only ask, because normally the bigger a state is, the more people it has.
Therefore in California, there is going to be more people that use drugs and abuse them say then states maybe a tenth of their size. lol.

um no


Dear America, some Democrats think that if you don’t live in California, than you have no right to have an opinion on what goes on there, and how the state will effect the rest of us.

**But if illegal Immigrants, and Refugees live there, they care more about their opinion, then yours. **

I wonder if every Democrat throughout America thinks this way as well?

**And yet they care more about what people in other countries opinions are, over yours. **
Weird how that works hu?

who says in this thread you have no right to an opinion?

your opinions on the state are ill-informed and based mostly on selection bias.

That’s ya’ll biased presumption. lol.