Democrat Politicians Can't Handle Their California Socialist Utopia

this coming from the guy who thinks somehow this thread stated a person is not allowed to have an opinion

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Funny how that works.

It’s not just California…

There are plenty of homeless in the Downtown/Gaslamp district here. It is a real problem without an easy fix.

Next time you’re in town, visit the beach communities. Your burger will cost substantially less at Hodad’s or Rocky’s.

Homelessness is a problem for most major cities in CA. It is an issue that will be a platform of every state politician during the election cycle.

All politicians ever attempt to do is throw money at problems and hope it helps. Problem is, there is never enough money. Also, dont ever expect a politician to come up with any other solution besides throwing money at problems. It’s not their money, so there will never be enough spent.

As far as the homeless crisis goes, yes. There are solutions. But your politicians dont want to support them because they go against their politics and they want to get re-elected.

California homelessness should be an easy issue to solve. Stop illegal immigration, and implement a policy in California that says all students in California Public Schools must be the children of US Citizen Parents or Resident Aliens with green cards. Same with Hospital Care. Must be Citizens or Resident Aliens Green Card Holders. If illegals need schooling or hospital care, they can get it from charitable organizations or churches. Not from the tax payers.

If they implement that system, many will self deport, or leave California for the surrounding states. The money from the savings in schooling and hospital care could then be shifted to provide housing and mental healthcare for the homeless and Drug and alcohol problems you have.

I wanted to go across to Coronado Island, but didn’t get the chance to, had too much other stuff going on.

Much less homeless across the bridge in Coronado, but that burger would have been $20.

I live in a beach community that has its share of homeless people. I see them every day and know a handful of them by name. I don’t know of any that are illegal immigrants. I’m not saying there aren’t any, but the vast majority of the homeless people I see, are not from Mexico.

Wages haven’t kept pace with the cost of living. As a society, we offer little int he way of support for those with mental illness, even our own vets. Drug and other substance abuses are viewed as something to be shoved in the closet, rather than treating them as a public health problem. There’s more, but that should be a solid start…


I dont think you understood what I was trying to say…How much do you think the state of California spends on an annual basis to provide education to illegals? How much do you think they spend annually on the medical care for illegals? How much do you think they spend annually on housing illegals in the state prison system? If the State of California did not have to pay for the medical care and education of illegals, then that money would be freed up to spend on American Citizens with mental illnesses, homelessness, and drug and alcohol issues.

The above study decimates your argument, Carpe Diem. Yes, homelessness is a real problem in California. I live here. But attributing all of society’s ills to one party or philosophy is simplistic to the point of laziness.

The only reason red states HAVE infrastructure still in place is for states like CA… you honestly trying to tell me Wyoming cover their own costs? :rofl:

Yeah, who does take care of that drug problem?

I know you love to blame everything on surchalursm, but real life is often more complicated than blanket partisan broad brushing. There is no evidence that a stronger safety net discourages Californians from working. Even among Californians in poverty, nearly 70 percent live in working households. Moreover, the state’s labor force participation rate is significantly higher than other states from Alabama to Arizona that offer much less generous social policies.

I mean, who could argue with that logic? :rofl:

Red Stater: “That there’s a big state. Lots uh peoples in thar…”

Red Stater… [presented with map of AK and demographic data]… [scratches head, looking confused]

I would bet that the cities or states with the highest cost of living have the most homeless.

I would also say that it would be a direct result of unfettered capitalism. If people didn’t want to live in San Fran… they would move and cost of living would drop. However people aren’t leaving fast enough in those areas to make COS go down.

Yay capitalism

Lovely beaches there, but yes everything costs more. The socialist hellscape of $7/gal was was realized there way back in 1997.

you’re right. those red states are booming

why are the red states always the majority of the poorest?