Democrat Politicians Can't Handle Their California Socialist Utopia

Not true, you are welcome to back it up.

And really, you think population doesn’t effect how affordable housing is? :sweat_smile:

You are hilarious… :rofl:

Sounds greedy to me accepting lots of homlessness because the well connected rich are getting richer in Cal…

You have absolutely no clue about California other than news fed to you by the CEC.


Isn’t so much money given to each state based on certain qualifications? I wonder if California ever takes advantage of those qualifications and what they do with all of that money?

Southern states on the east coast with their mild climates don’t have any where near the homeless problems California has. So, it’s not the weather…

This isn’t a problem because the homeless people doing these things will never get into the gated communities the liberal elites live in. However, the first time a Hollywood celebrity actually does step in poop… Well then, NOW we have a crisis. Not to worry though, they will immediately solve the problem by calling for a national poop tax and to use the revenue to educate poor people on the dangers of public pooping. They will raise awareness through “poop aid” and create new environmentally friendly, reusable toilet paper. Congressional Democrats will pass more stringent laws against public pooping and begin an official investigation to find out how to blame Donald Trump…


We are a donor state

That means we GIVE more than we get from the treasury, for those that don’t have a clue.

lol. Really?

Yeah safest big city in America… Thanks Dems

Mild climates my ass, read about humidity and heat indexes. Florida is a sweltering ■■■■■■■■ compared to a Cali.

Mild climate in Georgia, Florida, or Carolinas? 0-o you ever lived there during the swealterig sunmers?

Maui has a pretty big homeless population but anyway may be it’s abotu the amount of money those cities spend on the homeless hmmm

Paying taxes and getting little for it, is what dems seem to like… See the bullet train and Cal’s crumbling roads…

"Notably, high-tax California was no longer on the list of donor states, although just barely "

who pays for those hazardous workers to clean up the poop and pee off of the streets?

I heard each one of those people make a lot of money doing it.

Maybe minus that off of how much money the Democrat Politicians supposedly
give to the rest of America tax wise?

How many millions of dollars per year will America have to spend on the drug problem, and the filth on the streets deficating wise to clean up, and all of the homeless shelthers, and food? Or does California pay for all of that, out of their own pocket? lol

Yet… even hotter Florida has lots of homelessness…

Again, your view of Cali is comical, all you know is articles shoved down your throat about one City.

Do you live in Cali? If not what do you care if people choose to pay high taxes to live there? Maybe they don’t mind and it’s worth it to them to be there.

It’s a simple question. The Democrat Party, is becoming the Socialist Party.
I’m just wondering how many Democrats still believe in Capitalism over Socialism?

A century of the same crap. Red Scare!