Democrat Party Backed Open Border Rallies Nationwide Today

And why do you think they want to replace ICE?

Obviously they don’t want it doing its job of deporting illegals.

I’m stating facts. You’re making ■■■■ up to promote a political agenda.

and they will lie about motivation.

it will be another “you can keep your doctor” moment.


You realize we were deporting illegals before ICE was created, right?

Or a “Dems call for open borders” moment.

You could have just said you’ve got nothing.

You could have said you just want to pretend you don’t know why these people want to abolish ICE.

Illegals rape and kill Americans, Dem party defends illegals and grants them sanctuary.

Its only for dark skinned people. Pale skinned people, whites and most Asians, need not apply.

They hate America, its as simple as that.

Yeah, funny to read these strong denials when a simple google search shows otherwise.

Calls to eliminate the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency, for years relegated to the far-left corners of progressive activism, have been thrust this week into the mainstream of Democratic politics.

Cracks in the dam became visible 10 days ago, when a group of demonstrators confronted Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen at a Mexican restaurant in Washington. They called for an end to the Trump administration policy that resulted in separating migrant families at the border and, as the viral protest heated up, began to chant: “Abolish ICE!”
Less than two weeks on, the demand – a favored meme on the left – has gone from a progressive fringe cause, mostly ignored even by some of the most liberal lawmakers, to a political message being embraced by a growing roster of influential national Democrats.

2020 Insight: Dem prospects call for abolishing ICE; Harris ‘not ruling it out’; Warren sounds like a candidate

The list of Democrats calling to abolish ICE keeps growing
The movement to abolish ICE is starting to go mainstream.

Why Democrats should support open borders

Now I totally support Democrats endorsing open borders. I’m sure it will work out great for them.

As for abolishing ICE “going mainstream” they mean “mainstream” to the political party going so far left Bernie is starting to look like a moderate.


Keep moving further left and out of the mainstream Dems. I’m sure it will work out fine for you.

*Ex-Clinton aide: 84 percent of Americans support turning undocumented immigrants over to authorities

I don’t know why they do. But I do know that ICE doesn’t patrol the border.

It’s not just America that’s hardened it’s stance on migration it’s all throughout the west. Even Canadian Bhangra dancer Trudeau has been getting hit in the polls over migration.

In agermany Merkel is on a leash by her sister party the CSU because of migration, and the liberal migration system has ushered in the right all across Europe. Even leftist Sweden is on the verge for the first time since WW2 to elect a right wing government. Being on the side of open borders is not a good place to be right now in the west. But as I said earlier I couldn’t be happier this is were they are going to place the fight at.

They lied their asses off throughout the years here at Hannity land, same type of lies, same denial of lies and same defense of lies.

And they want us to trust em with what they say?

Only a lib could demand as much.


ICE is working just fine that’s why liberals want to get rid of it, if it wasn’t functioning libs would have what they want! Open borders, amnesty and immunity for illegals.

During the Bush Administration liberal Democrats (Murtha and Kennedy) attacked the Military, during the Obama Administration Obama himself attacked the police
and now there are numerous Dem elected officials (Durban, Harris etc.) and new Dem candidates are attacking ICE to insure the protection of foreign criminals in their “hole in the wall” sanctuary cities for illegals.

This is not just Trump derangement , this is clearly UN-American and ANTI-American activity from elected liberal Democrat officials.

Illegals attack in packs. Several will rape and kill together. Libs get at least two new voters for every American raped. Their political calculus says that’s a good deal.

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Sensible border security for libs and Dems is “let everybody in-we need the votes”! Open borders, amnesty and sanctuary cities.

Democrat technology would be something like “pigeon drones” programmed to identify and give preferential entry to illegals. If you’re an American conservative don’t travel to Mexico because you may not be able go get back in if “Dem-technology” has any say in it.

And lets not forget their version of a replacement of ICE and Border Patrol would be their own personal army of “brown shirts”!

Who needs truth when Dear Leader has granted them “alternative facts”?