Democrat Party Backed Open Border Rallies Nationwide Today

Too funny!

You and Donny Deplorable Dummy’s getting all excited that Donny is pushing the prosecutions of accused misdemeanor perps all while he is pardoning felons, charged felons,and talking (signaling) he will soon pardon those accused, being investigated for, and or charged with serious felonies.

Law and order president?

Trumpettes are so easily distracted and deluded.


This post is just flat out insane and really exposes the delusion of Trumpers.

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yeah… sometimes libs only get a one for one.

Delusion is what you see in the mirror each day!

Crime happened? Color me surprised!

That’s a far cry from your straight up crazy statement. You are nuts no doubt about it.

That’s like saying I do not support no speed limits on highways, but admittedly support lesser enforcement of current speed limits. I work on a roadway just like that. Average speed is close to or in the 80s. I’ll admit that’s not a stance against no limits, but it’s nothing to be proud of either.

crime that wouldn’t have happened if the illegal were not here. Unless you are trying to blame the victim and think she would have brought it on even if this illegal had stayed out.
Is that your point? It’s the 13 year old’s fault? Because she can’t talk? Oh… I get it now.

But I think you are mistaken. IT IS NOT THE VICTIM’S FAULT. Shame on you for implying that it is.

Are you ever consistent from thread to thread about anything?

What? You are just word vomiting now

Like I said this is a straight up crazy statement, you are nuts

Yeah…Libs are consistent. That is true.

Illegals break the law in coming over the border and -like citizen law breakers - are separated from their children. Libs say that’s not the illegals’ fault.

Illegal rapes a 13 year old…Libs say… not the illegal’s fault.

Libs blame US citizens in all cases.

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LOL thats a bit rich coming from you.

please, I’m asking politely. Stop trolling. This site would provide a great place to exchange ideas and maybe even precipitate a solution to some problems. But the constant deranged accusations … mostly emanating from the nefarious internal Jungian shadows of the accusers … are destructive.

Back to the future?

Great post. :+1:

:thinking: :joy::joy::joy: :thinking:


Only when you join me for my morning ablutions.


You’re so funny. ICE does not patrol the border!

Donald himself has been attacking the FBI, you know, the cops with suits.

If “attacking” government agents is un-American and anti-American, then put Donald at the top of the list.

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Way to misrepresent…but this seems to be the trademark of trumpanzees.

I’m not sure which is worse, your reading comprehension or your ability to decipher search results on google.

None of the articles you cited actually support the idea that Dems want open borders. The closest any of them come is the Guardian article that suggests the Dems “should” take the position of open borders.

Abolish ICE does not equal open borders.

It does equal open borders. Centrists are going to be fleeing the party, as more and more Ds are embracing socialism and far left policies.

The #AbolishICE movement is based on a very clear goal:

Stop the act of deportation. Embrace #OpenBorders.

Read up on its chief media proponent, @SeanMcElwee. He calls the act of deportation “ethnic cleansing.”

It’s insane. Any Dem who agrees is leading the party to its death.

Keep up the great work libs!