Democrat Leadership: no vax, no job, no Social Security check, no healthcare, no housing

No… not at all.

Bribery isn’t cheap. For 450 K, I’D vote for Biden!

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What part of testing do you not believe in or understand??

Well then, what exactly are you suggesting? Foreigners who enter our country illegally with their children and are separated and detained as the law provides have a civil action, but the children of convicts who are put in state facilities and separated from their parents while their parents do their prison time can not sue?

Only the insane thinking of an ACLU shyster lawyer can rationalize such an absurdity.


The Democrat Party Leadership, once an advocate for hard working American citizens and their families, has now GONE MAD

Divide and conquer. An age old tactic that Lib leaders have used to remain in power since Libism began.

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Smoking is a personal choice that hurts the lives of the smoker and non smokers alike. Not getting vaccinated is a personal choice that may or may not harm anyone.

The point is hospitals shouldn’t be making choices based on a patients personal choices. RIGHT??

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Ignoring immigration laws is illegal. Why do you support that?

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That an immigration policy can’t have a child separation policy.

It costs a lot of money.

They aren’t the government.

This is also children that we are talking about.

We are not talking about immigration. We are talking about illegal entrants.




Which is part of immigration law.

And? We are talking about illegal entrants and the ACLU suing for reparations for illegal entrants.

What is your freaken point?


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They are suing because the Child Separation policy was unconstitutional, was implemented without any thought into how it would be carried out, was known to be harmful to children yet was expanded… etc…etc.

It was a terrible policy.

We can have an immigration policy with removal of illegal entrants that is not explicitly built to harm children.

Here’s some thoughts: How about if you Libs stop inviting every human being on earth to come to America and get lots of free stuff like free healthcare, education, food stamps, etc? Tell people that asylum can be granted by other countries, ones that are neighbors to the country you are fleeing for example. Arrest and deport those illegals who are caught, and put in prison at hard labor those who committed violent crimes against Americans. Stop giving aid to countries that assist people who are entering our country illegally. Stop allowing people who enter our country illegally to bring in their families. Punish companies with harsh fines if they hire illegals. Stop paying able bodied Americans to not work. Make them work for their daily bread, that way Mexicans wouldn’t come here to take jobs from Americans. Put up a substantial barrier ( like your exalted Lib leaders erect around their own homes) that make it extremely difficult for most people to get over, under or around. All this is common sense stuff that benefits Americans which is why I know you are against them and will defend the status quo, which CLEARLY isn’t working.

Please proceed to defend the Lib position on these things by beginning, BUT TRUMP…


Yeah… that can be done without hurting children… If they didn’t cause so much harm to the children this money wouldn’t be going to them.

The child of a foreigner entering our country illegally cannot be held in criminal detention as the parent can be. Under such circumstances, the child is then handed over to the Department of Health and Human Services until the child can be released to a family member, or placed in foster care. What is unconstitutional about that? What provision of the Constitution is violated and how?


We have the internal emails that they knew that this policy was harmful to children

We also know that this was explicitly done as a matter of deterrence, not for the safety of the children.

Heck… they lost children.

The Trump administration ■■■■■■ this up.

It really isn’t worth it to defend it.

What freaken harm?


You never answered the questions I asked.


They were not afforded their due process.

An alien… even an illegal one… cannot have their children removed from them without due process.