Dem Debate Tonight

i warn my kids. dont let any old creep touch and paw you like this. and if you see it going on around, get out

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Same. It is never appropriate for an adult to lay their hands on someone else’s kid and talk to them like that.

Libs should be ashamed of the Kid Sniffer, but they hate Trump, so he gets a pass.


Time to bring back Patch the Pony.

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Biden thinks we are battling SARS and Bernie thinks we are battling Ebola. Yes, Trump still has a chance.

Bernie make 1% pay for everything. 11 million come in legalize them all. pay for all the workers but don’t help the companies don’t bail them out. Everybody gets everything for free.

But I thought COVID-19 was the same thing according to cons. In fact, its just the flu

Biden You have 9 superpacs you want me to list them?
Sanders: Yea list them.
Biden: Come on Man.
Doesn’t list them. Not good.

Apologies lol.

Ps Biden is doing just fine in this debate. They both are. I’d happily take either of them over the lying box of hair currently in the White House.

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I know. That’s why you’ll be voting for the Kid Sniffer, right before Trump becomes your President for another 4 years.



It’s like I’m watching the political version of “Grumpy Old Men”, however it’s not a bad debate. They need to do all the debates like this, no audience egging them on.

patch would not be happy with Uncle “youre full of ■■■■■ Joe

So now he is for free tuition. Up to me to pay for someone else’s college. Add some more Biden. I had to pay for my college tuition, but now I have to pay for someone else.


And you won’t be getting a refund under that plan either. :wink:


theres nothing inappropriate about these pics.

nor would you think there was if not for leftwit idiocy narrative

Apparently, some people’s daughters would never sit on their dad’s lap.


Maybe I wouldn’t if Trump weren’t on tape repeatedly saying how hot she is. Ignoring Trumps clear infatuation with his own daughter just hurts the credibility of your crocodile tears about Biden. Meh.

Not at 15, no she wouldn’t.

Some daughters have closer, trusting relationships with their parents than others.
