Dem Debate Tonight

It is pretty much impossible for any of the remaining candidates to give a coherent answer to any question, much less anything more complex than Ned’s First Reader.

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I’m going to watch some of it. I might only make it ten minutes but I’ll give it a shot.

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The DNC is repeating the same mistakes of 2016 hoping they will have better results in 2020. It’s laughable. The senile hair plugged irrelevancy set to defeat the ancient wild hair dandruffy communist. The best the dems could come up with. Bernie babies tears will flow.

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old white rich leftist geezer palooza

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That’s because as of now…the nomination has been predetermined

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Right on the money.

Including the incumbent.


I’m not right on the money anymore?

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Not about Trump. The man’s smart enough to run a multibillion dollar business and be Potus.

Those other 2 are ready for nursing homes.


I understand.

my theory is that this debate is being held to help biden. bernie has already shown that he doesnt really want to take him out

despite being Communist, anti-American and anti-capitalism, Bernie knows he has no chance

all choreography

Fighting to square off with an old, rich, retarded geezer.


“i love kids bouncing on my lap”

haha his daughter

how sweet. you can see the love

you can here too:


Part three of the debate “Boost vs Ensure” Strawberry, chocolate, or vanilla

Opinion guys doing the debate, like Sean Hannity doing the debate.

I hope she writes a book after she turns 18 detailing whatever threat he whispered in her ear about telling on him.

I’ll bet no one will believe her over him.



Not technically illegal.

hmm, didn’t know Italy has a single payer system. Biden right on that? Hadn’t heard too much on debates with Italy being in the mix one way or the other.