Defamation Suit Against Fox by Dominion

What does any of this have to do with Fox News grifting on the election fraud claims?


Thanks Section 230 :rofl:


Malapropism? Intentional?

Either way, I like it! :+1:

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What does Dominion need with cheap, lumpy pillows?

Righties, are you the least bit mad or surprised about the fact that Fox News spread the Big Lie, knowing it was complete ■■■■■■■■ ?

That has already been demonstrated how all the left wing rags knowingly ran with the Russian collusion lies. Some of the (D)evotees still cling to it.

This latest bag of feed is an attempt at vindication.


This only strengthens their resolve, from both parties the one peddling the BS and the other gobbling it up.

Except they didn’t.

But of course it’s been some time since the last time you brought up Antrim and were smacked down…so of course you feel safe enough to bring it up yet again.

What is this…the fifth time? Sixth? Tenth?

I’m losing count.


And the usual zone flooding has begun…even on this thread.


Plus this story won’t even be reported on Fox/Newsmax/etc

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When this is over, it is likely to be the Dominion News Network, and rightfully so.



You would think eventually the dissonance would be too much.

But whenever I think they have had enough of punching themselves in the face, they swing again and cry “libs made me do it”

Maybe with the receipts it will change :man_shrugging:

We even have the reflexive whataboutism coming this to “Russian Hoax”

We actually have receipts regarding the Fox News “stolen election” grift.

All they have is feefees with the “Russian Hoax” :rofl:

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Their sole issue looks like will be the over evaluation of their damages

Which is a good problem to have

Wild speculation in my part… but I have to imagine Fox has made settlement overtures by now. If only to put the lid on this discovery disclosure.

I wonder what numbers have been floated… and rejected.

Whether this can be pinned on Fox or not, this stop the steal gambit has destroyed dominions brand.

I don’t have a ton of sympathy for them b/c I think they sell junky under secured systems using bribery and influence.

But if was my money getting pinched I’d be suing too.

silly suit. It doesn’t matter whether anyone reported on fraud they did not believe was true. The first amendment does not require the press to believe what they print/say.

what matters is what was said to defame dominion with knowledge that the specific statements about dominion were false.

This is the Motion for Summary Judgment. The fact they they knew it was false is about proving actual malice.

But rest assured, it identifies the specific defamatory statements as well. I think there are twenty or so counts.

Nope. We have 4 years of prime time network coverage of Russian collusion. That really happened. I know you’d like to sweep it under the rug, but too bad.


Fox has discovery. Should be a fun show.


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It’s off topic but Fox lied to you about that too.

You should read the report. It wasn’t just about Trump.


What do you think that discovery could show?