Debate Committee Want Virtual Debate to Help Senile Joe Cheat

Why is this a seperate thread??

I find it amazing that ANYONE thinks Americans are gonna fall for this silly arguement.

What Americans know
-Most Americans have had to do SOMETHING remotely (Meetings, schools, work, Dr appts) due to the RISK of catching covid.
-Trump is POSITIVE for Covid and has yet to have a negaitive test, or even say he will release a test publicly (and his record of not releasing any info indicates he wont).
-The debate moving virtually is pretty much the only choice that could be made
-Trump backed out once it happened. He didnt suggest a alternitive, he didnt ask to talk about it, he simply said he wont do it.

Any spin about how Biden is trying to cheat or it was unfair or whatever is NOT going to play well except with his die hard base.

Trump backed out.

This proves Biden is scared.

What’s not to like about this tight logic?

I think a more appropriate name for Trump now is “Donald Duck”. Because he’s, you know, duckin’ Biden.

You talking about the Trump who early on cut off flights from China & the democrats went crazy over it saying he was xenophobic and Pelosi in Chinatown saying come on down! ?

Naw, that was the Journalists who infected the White House.

Actually, the democrats want to cheat. That’s why they want to do it virtually, to put Biden on a monitor, cut Trumps, microphone, put it on low, & have give Biden all the questions ahead of time like they did with Hillery.

Still a long ways to go to match how much HPV he’s spread around .

YOUR opinion, I can play the same game, Democrats brought it to the White House through leftist journalists.

You do realize that your opinion sounds insane, right?

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Lol. Drug dealers have a saying, “don’t get high in your own supply “

“Democrats want to cheat” is a complete fiction created by the wackiest Trump supporters. The problem is some of them have forgotten they’ve made that up out of whole cloth and are actually believing it. In other words, they’re getting high on their own supply.

Chiggety check yo self before you wreck yo self.

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Another insane opinion. You’re on a roll today.


Democrats have been cheating since there was democrats.

I had a good idea that there wouldn’t be a second debate and said so. Now the question becomes…what will be the Dem excuse for the 3rd? I’m guessing they’ll go with the same thingy.

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Well let’s review.

There is one person in this debate who has history of skipping debates where he felt he was being treated “unfairly”, he’s done it twice now.

One of those times he used the opportunity to “fundraise for veterans “. Out of a reported $6 million raised, eventually $1 million was donated after lawsuits and investigative reporting from WaPo. The balance went into that persons pocket.

Charitable foundations were shut down and prohibitions against starting new ones put in place because of fraud. Real estate seminars shut down and millions paid in settlements because of fraud. Extensive documentation of tax fraud and financial fraud. He is trying to set the stage for if he wins it’s fair if he loses it’s fixed, when he is polling down by double digits.

Even this persons hair is fraudulent.

Joe Biden cribbed some lines from his friend Deval Patrick in 1988 and dropped out of the Presifential campaign.

Tell us again how Democrats always cheat.


I guess this means you aren’t good for all the pizzas you owe others, pathetic and predictable. The exact opposite happened as what you predicted and you knew it. You said there wouldn’t be a second debate because Biden would back out, not Trump.

What? I’d love to send you a pizza…all you had to do was bet me? Please repost our bet?

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Did you did you not already pay off your bets after being dead wrong

Ahhhhhhhhh…losing…and making excuses for it. My gosh you’re becoming so whiningly predictable.

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Let’s just stick with ours…repost it and I’ll wait right here. :sunglasses:

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