Debate Committee Want Virtual Debate to Help Senile Joe Cheat

Maybe they like candidates who don’t get COVID-19.

So Trump backs out and somehow it’s Joe that is being protected?


The drugs won’t work as good as the first time!

We’re layering on the stupid.

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noun: shibboleth; plural noun: shibboleths

  1. a custom, principle, or belief distinguishing a particular class or group of people, especially a long-standing one regarded as outmoded or no longer important.

Naw, you are just afraid to let senile Joe out of the bunker. He needs coco & children to sniff.

Backs out? No, just doesn’t want a rigged debate.

I literally told you what I think. No need to lie about how I feel. :).

Trump is a modern day Typhoid Mary, except he knows he is willingly spreading the virus.

As his senility progresses it will become less & less effective.

You are scared.

Who backed out, Joe or Trump?

Trump wants to debate, senile Joe’s handlers are afraid to allow him to openly & actually debate.

So Trump backed out because Joe was scared to debate?



Evidence the CPD and the medical consultants they utilized are in the tank for Joe Biden?

Aside from “feelings”?

Lol. Whatever you need to tell yourself to justify Covid Donnie blundering everything.

Trump got sick
Trump backed out in a fit of pique

Of course this proves Biden is scared.

Good grief. Is this really what the GOP has come to??

It’s a completely different party than the one I was in 5 years ago


Indeed. Unrecognizable.

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This is typical of Trump’s base. Instead of holding his dumb ass accountable for catching COVID-19, go ahead and blame an organization trying to protect others from this walking hot spot. You people stay making excuses for this dude and refuse to hold him accountable for being a reckless dumb ass.

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Everyone should be scared of being in the same building as President Biohazard…

How many people has he infected in the white house so far? 38?