Debate Committee Want Virtual Debate to Help Senile Joe Cheat

Losing? No way to spin it, you were wrong

It’s ok everyone knew you wouldn’t honor your word

Oh…is there a second debate? No? Why is that? Oh yeah…the Biden group wanted to change the rules so they could cheat and Trump said no. Now…lemme hear ya…whhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa…amirite? :sunglasses:

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sikofit is just deflecting.

You can’t even repost my “word” to you? Why is that? Oh yeah…you were chicken. :sunglasses:

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Wrong. Biden’s camp had nothing to do with the decision

Talk about projection :man_facepalming:

They want to completely change the format & rules but its Trump’s fault!

How many bets did you pay off? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Really? Who was the moderator? A Trump supporter or a Biden supporter?

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Actually it is Trump’s fault.

He is infected with a highly contagious and potentially deadly disease.

No one should be in the same room with him if they don’t have to be

Pathetic dodge is pathetic. Everyone knew this would happen and surprise…predictable backpaddle is predictable

Exactly & again: “They want to completely change the format & rules but its Trump’s fault!”

Every single one you and I had…now lemme hear ya…amirite? :sunglasses:

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Damn…when you’re losing…you’re on a roll. :sunglasses:

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They being the debate commission

He’s cured much to the disappointment of the democrats who wished death on him, of course, spin it…

That makes as much sense as the usual things that come out of your mouth. :sunglasses:

Holy ■■■■ You actually think it was the moderator’s decision? Seriously?

Yeah, they arbitrarily change the rules & format to protect senile Joe. The commission is all Trump haters.