Daddy, Why Do You Carry Your Gun to the Door?

Video shows it’s already the society we live in.


Hmmmm…I know right? It doesn’t seem possible that conservatives could have all of these weapons and still be living in peace and safety. Then when you go to liberal areas it’s a bloodbath. Conclusion. Conservative areas are better.

Hmmm…Is that the conclusion you reached when you thought about this for a second?


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Zero honesty to this reply. I actually do live in a conservative, heavily armed peaceful area. Try taking a midnight stroll in a heavily armed liberal area. Maybe St. Louis, Baltimore, or Chicago?

Sorry dude. Your reply defies common sense. And it defies the statistics. Try not to beclown yourself.

Did he?

Yep. Watch the video and then notice the left side of his entry way…about 3 feet of the ground and a few inches in from the opening. It’s unscarred and then you see the powder from the stucco powdering when it was hit and it leaves a mark.

Are you sure it was the homeowner?

No response to the second bolded statement? If you’re not scared and you feel safe. Why do you need all the weapons? Are your Conservative neighbors not trustworthy enough that you can’t live amongst each other without being armed?

No but looking at the direction the powder went from the force and the eyes of the perp seeing something, it appeared to come from the home entrance.

I haven’t seen any reports of the homeowner firing.

That’s kind of silly, isn’t it?

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Preparedness is not dependent on fear, it’s dependent on possibility.


That’s like asking why someone is using an umbrella in the rain. After all, they aren’t getting wet, why do they need the umbrella?

Silly libs. :smile:

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I thought I read in the linked article that the shot came from the black-clad shooter.

Well I think that in this case it’s about fear. Nothing wrong with that. I don’t own a gun, but I’m not morally against it. I live a a very modest black-and-white (mostly black) neighborhood in New Orleans. Almost no crime around here. We often leave our door unlocked. I am not afraid to answer the door without a firearm, nor do I feel like I’m unprepared. I have many, many more risk factors for death. They do not involve a gun.

You thinking that it’s about fear applies only to you. But be aware, not being afraid, as you claim to be, does not help you when possibility shows up at your door or any place else where it roams.

Personally. I don’t need all those weapons. I actually only need one. I have the others for fun. But it also depends on the circumstances. For example:

A .25 pistol can fit nicely in a purse, a sweat suit pocket or back pocket.
A 9mm has a lot more stopping power but is harder to conceal and needs a holster.
A .22 rifle can be used to inflict non lethal wounds if you choose to go that route. Plus the ammo is cheap and you can shoot for fun without breaking the bank.
A 3030 Rifle packs a major wallop. It can be used to disable a vehicle or blast a person into oblivion if needed. Plus, the lever action is really cool.

So what you "need’ is based on a lot of different things. The only thing you need to know is that firearms in red state burbs are typically not a threat. Firearms in liberal inner cities are dangerous as hell. Target them. Not us.

Does this help?

I’ve been mugged before. But not at my door. On the street. 37 years ago. Nothing I could do even with a gun. At my age, I’m more afraid of cancer. Not going to worry about the bogeyman at the door.

I agree. You shouldn’t own or bear arms.

Do you get cancer screenings?

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True. Out here in the red state burbs we are not likely to be confused with gang bangers. This fact remains self evident.

Firearms in red state burbs are typically not a threat. Firearms in liberal inner cities are dangerous as hell. Target them. Not us.

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Going on my 3rd colonoscopy soon. Squeaky clean so far. See my doc every year. I smoked for 30 years, but quit 20 years ago. That’s my highest risk. Risk for heart disease increases with age, and I keep my BP under control with meds. When I have more questions I ask my youngest brother, the internist. If I have emotional concerns I ask my older brother, the shrink. I’m aware that ■■■■ can happen. I am not the kind of guy who’s not afraid of death. I want to keep on keeping on. But I’ve had a good run. The least of my worries is being shot down at my doorstep. I’m probably better off eating more vegetables.