Current State of the 2024 Election

Finally We agree on something!!!

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Was bound to happen sooner or later :grin:

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Problem solved! I know who I’m voting for!


That right there is funny stuff. The options suck.

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what do you use?

I’m voting for him.


Feelings and vibes.

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That certainly is possible… Still curious though. Wonder if @gooddad409 will respond. I am genuinely curious.

What do you use?

Neither of us will be impacting any results in our respective states this year, that’s for damn sure. :rofl:

Yes, but that smile…

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too funny.

The lying russian cannot be trusted when he tells on Biden, but he is completely trustworthy when going after Giulianni or Trump.


except for confirmation bias why would anyone need a “fact checker?”

The current state of the election is:

No-one, not even Hunter, is enthused about voting for Biden.

35% of the people are enthused about voting for Trump
35% of the people are enthused to vote against Trump

of the 30% remaining

10% will vote GOP because they always do
10% will vote dem because they always do

the 10% that are left will break 60-40 for… somebody; or, stay home.

There is NOTHING the OP wrote in their OP that will change one thing about that.

exactly. sore losers no matter what the party.


the none of the above party will pull at least 10%.


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I use fact checkers for the opposite reason. When an issue interests me to the point I want to research I start by trying to find out views opposite to mine or proves the opinion I have is factually incorrect.

Fact checking sites are but one resource we should use for research.

You want to be very careful with that approach.

Ultimately, fact-checking is a much more subjective enterprise than we would like it to be. Truth is real but sometimes difficult to ascertain, particularly when political ideologies and motivated reasoning are involved. To eschew these pitfalls, fact-checkers need to be keenly sensitive to such biases. Otherwise, fact-checkers will be seen as simply another manifestation of “fake news.”

Newsguard is another over-rated arbitrator of bias…not truth.

Just like our favorite political screwup Biden snopes was busted plagiarizing.


Bravo Cleveland Plain Dealer!