Current State of the 2024 Election

Three and a half years of Biden.


Are you implying Democrats are better at organizing a glitzy Hollywood style fund raising show and Republicans are better at connecting with the average person? Because that’s the implication I get.


In 2016, 95% of Newspapers came out in favor of Hillary.
Nobody is confused as to where the elite newspaper magnates stand.


95% of Trump’s Cabinet also don’t support him.

His Vice President Mike Pence
His Secretary of State Rex Tillerson
His 1st Secretary of Defense James Mattis
His 2nd Secretary of Defense Mark Esper
His Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Mark Milley
His National Security Advisor HR McMaster
His National Security Advisor John Bolton
His Attorney General Bill Barr
His Chief of Staff John Kelly
His Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney
His Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos
His Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao
His Secretary of the Navy Richard Spencer
His Homeland Security Advisor Tom Bossert

Like newspaper editors, maybe they know something about his character?


Notice they don’t detail how Trump is a threat while Biden surrogates censored Trump and tried to remove him from ballot and harass him with frivolous lawsuits.


LOL. Elaine Chao.


Clearly that is a list of underperforming appointments not to be repeated.


That describes Trump’s whole universe of dumb*****.

Elaine Chao was a bad move to garner some support from McConnell.

Trump took some risks with some of those picks.

Trump is much better poised to get the best people in 2024.

Mike Pompeo was his best pick IMO.

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Wait a second… I thought hero Trump only hires the best people?


Lika Amarosa?

What is she doing these days.

fact checkers are useless. They have turned “facts” into statistics, by including or excluding things they can make anything a “fact”.


Like who?

Right? Working for Trump is like committing career suicide. :rofl:

Some winners from Trump administration were…in no particular order.

Mike Pompeo

Rick Grennell

Sara Sanders

Chad Wolf

Larry Kudlow

Peter Navarro

Scot Atlas

the jailbird.

last seen in club fed.


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Political prisoner.

You should be ashamed.

sorry we didnt put JJ in club fed also.


All the Biden appointees are losers.

Every last one of them.


Pretty much all are left wing Shills.

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Did not age well like almost all democrat talking points.