Current State of the 2024 Election

I don’t see why. The auto companies are part of that push. They’ll still need their workforce to make them. He’s already been endorsed by the UAW.

Funny I did not see anyone from the trump crowd questioning any of the polls posted. You must have mistaken the leftist for trump supporters. Because it is leftist who are trying to wave away the polls showing trump ahead by saying well GOP always underperform what the polls say. So, biden is really ahead.

How can Trump survive the “three stooges?

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I say the majority of the voters could care less about abortion.
They care more about how much money is in their pockets and where they are going to have to cut to just pay the rent. Along with caring about the government ignoring them and catering to the illegals. Then they will also be worried about the crime creeping into their neighborhoods and the democrats doing nothing except setting the criminals free to crime some more.

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I don’t think anyone is saying that the GOP always underperforms. But this year the polls have been a little off in special elections and in 2022. So it’ll be interesting to see how this goes. And I mention Michigan since I live here but that’s an interesting example. RCP average had Gretchen Whitmer winning by one percentage point right before the election. And Whitmer won by 10 points. It was just way off. So again, it’ll be interesting to see how this one goes.

We, the People, have an impeachment vote in November.


Your problem is they all know what biden is like now as well. And biden is not liked about those who are not hard-core partisans. Kennedy might just pick up a lot of voters.

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The big wigs in the UAW might have endorsed biden. That does not mean the union workers are going to vote for the old pervert.

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More like three lying crooks.

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Shawn Fein is a useful stooge for the Dimbulbcrats.

Can anyone explain how Trump gets more votes than he did in the last election?

His voter base seems to have whitered a bit. There are more never Trumpers. Haley has added to that. Liz Cheney appears to be making a push to garner more never Trumpers.

Where is Trump going to get more voters than he did last elexction.

He doesn’t have to, Biden just has to get fewer, which looks like a distinct possibility at this point.

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I suspect that the campaign is counting on defections from Democrats and general apathy.

Neither is a bad bet


A legitimate one.

Politifact and Snopes are too slanted to be useful at all.

there never have been magical ballot vehicles.

only sore losers.


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It’s not out of the realm of possibility but that would mean that both Presidential candidates would be receiving less votes than the previous election.
I think that has happened once. During the HW Bush election, but it’s gotta be a rare event.

Why couldn’t Trump receive about the same and Biden receive fewer?

Trump’s approval rating now is higher (actually by quite a bit) than it was when he was in office.

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and hanging chads

Your problem is a lot of those never trumpers are not going to vote for biden this time. As well as a lot of independents and moderate democrat are not going to be voting for biden this time as well. Hence the panic of the far-left democrats trying to stop anyone else from having their names on the ballot.

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