Critical Race Theory Question

I agree…

Now how do you do that if you cannot mention diversity in Texas schools?

For example… teaching about the implementation of the “grandfather clause” during reconstruction and how it had distortional impact on black peoples right to vote.

That ■■■■ is not taught in grade school. CRT type examination helped.

Imagine if we tried to teach about peonage and how the South used it to take advantage of a loophole in the 13th Amendment.

We have aspects of that in our policing system still today…it affects blacks but also low income folks in general.

You do realize reconstruction wasn’t to reconstruct slaves, right?

There’s a lot of things not taught in grade school. Why should I be taught it in grade school today?

What loophole?

The slavery by crime loophole

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no one is saying “you cant mention diversity in texas schools”

That’s not a loophole.

It’s a loophole for slavery.

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More proof that “CRT” has been turned into latest grievances based catch all buzzword for the right… for at least this election cycle

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They are, actually…or intend to.

When you invent crimes via the Black Codes, it absolutely is a loophole.

In many ways, peonage was worse than slavery because blacks were given freedom, only to have it deliberately snatched away.

Just like “engagement based policing” needed a whole bunch of new crimes like “blocking a public thoroughfare” to be invented in order to produce the results upon which police officers were being measured.



this is just the narrative used to flood the schools with the racist crt garbage.


it’s a good thing that educators are being made aware of these activist leftist hate-theories of perpetual grievance

hope this awareness spreads

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mmm hmmmm

These words have been used a lot more in the last 15 years, than the decades prior but words don’t bother me. The context in how they’re being used is what I’d question?


So here in Hannity Land, the latest fade is to call anyone who votes democratic ‘Authoritarians’. These same posters argue that there is nothing wrong with banning specific words in schools…

“Be on the lookout for these words! Don’t let your kids hear them!!!”

Too damn funny.

No it’s not. I’m watching it happen.

If it works for one side and they love using it so much… why not use it?

where does it say “dont let your kids hear them?”

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