Critical Race Theory Question

I have to admit, I troll people a lot when it comes to reading, especially on this board. However, all jokes and trolling aside, this thread is a great example of why people should read more. Instead of Google searching, copying, and pasting stuff you agree with from a ideological perspective, how about reading.

Reading promotes critical thinking. Unfortunately, on this topic especially when it comes to history there isn’t enough reading or critical thinking. Typing key words in Google and running to this board to paste the results isn’t about reading or critical thinking, but trying to convince strangers that you’re right based on someone else’s thoughts. NOT YOUR OWN.

This country’s primary down fall is going to be rooted in ignorance along with our failure in producing readers and critical thinkers.


Notice the theme of my post :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Good post.

Yes the loudest voices are increasingly being listened to.

Currently I’m a centrist realist running for school board.

The biggest issue facing our district is not whether critical race theory is going to be taught or is being taught in our schools, but how can we best use scarcer and scarcer resources to make sure all our kids learn what they need to be successful in the 2020s, 2030s and beyond. This is the key concern of most parents, teacher and administrators.

I got walloped on the GOP side of the primary because of a steady stream of voters…hardly any of whom have any kids in the schools…who were all riled up because of the CRT crap…that is literally what they showed up to vote about. I know this because they said so.

Luckily I won on the Dem side so I have time to figure out how to combat this.

And this is why this stuff pisses me off…because the CRT boogeyman is taking attention…and resources…away from the things that truly matter to kids.

Both sides need to stop looking at our kids as political prizes to be won.

Also to stop looking at them as fragile China dolls who have to be “brought up just right” or they’ll become either commies or fascists.

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CRT costs money and time.

No…making a boogeyman out of it where it doesn’t exist costs money and time.


Ah, but it does exist.

Just because it’s not raining where you are…

Man, reading through this it’s obvious there’s words conservatives don’t want used because it hurts their wittle feewings.

They don’t teach logic nor critical thinking anymore.

Those who do usually find themselves on the blunt end of the club of angry parents yelling they’re being too tough on their kids.

At least that has been my experience.

The Internet has been a blessing and a curse.

A,blessing because never has information about the world been so readily available.

A curse because usually the information is presented so shallowly or at the emotional level so critical thinking is bypassed and you end up believing things because they resonate with you emotionally.

In many ways critical thinking died with the advent of TV.

You really only learn good logic and critical thinking through writing…”TV” hits your brain at a totally different level.

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Here’s some free advice in case you missed what I just posted…you should read more. This entire topic is definitely outside your wheelhouse and it shows in your posting.

What you might want to do is crack open a book or two or three, get your knowledge base up instead of posting stuff haphazardly based on someone else’s feelings. Just because you copy, paste and repeat stuff from people who line up with your ideology doesn’t mean it’s correct.

When you know better, you do better… :eyes:

Absolutely true. But it’s mostly a waste of time anyway.

And Marcuse smiles.

It’s not.

Not even people like Haidt, of whom you are so fond, believe that.

Ok. We can disagree. CT agrees with me.

Books too, are written by people with bias.

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I agree.

I feel you on the blessing and the curse part mostly. Because of what I do, I’ve seen some the darkest corners of the internet while at the same time seeing tons of valuable information right at your fingertips. However, though I’m only 40 and sort of old school, nothing beats turning those pages.

Also, TV can also be considered a blessing and a curse. More curse than anything else.

That’s why you read multiple sources and their counters.

I can’t do that on the internet? Crap media excluded of course.

This fits nicely here as well.

Hey, the left already won all the kids, time to stop thinking of them as prizes, now.

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No they didn’t but thanks for playing.