Critical Race Theory Question

Right on! :fist:t4:

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Intolerance of the tolerance of intolerance is a virtue.

Slavery and Jim Crow were geographic, not partisan.

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reflective perspective


what a world

everyone should.

Yes. They were democrats. That was their party.

What was their ideology? Was it conservative or progressive?

There were progressives in the 1800s… you do know that right?

mmm. no

but many do. prob most

Using the system of government?

your lead-in’s get tiring

if you have a point, make it without trying to set up a rhetorical trap

I’m asking you a question… do you think the system of government should be used to shut down teaching of racism?

yeah i know you are. it’s a set up question obviously like most of your questions

what do mean “system of government?”

govt is already heavily involved in teaching and dictating what is taught.

They were authoritarians.

The government. Federal or state.

Should the government be used to remove teaching about our racist past?

Absolutely not.

have we found a single High school or elementary school that has ever taught CRT?

Yep because 1800’s/early 1900’s Republican were totally Conservative they supported big government, social programs, unionization of labour.

The “Party” of Abe created a massive government agency solely to enrich and educate free slaved.
The “Party” of Eisenhower saw the large shift in unionization of labour in American history.

Republican where an amazing party what happened?

There is a literal confederate monument to a person executed by the United States government for war crimes.

Historically Republican were massively progressive and liberal but something changed in the 1960’s after Eisenhower with the election of Nixon.

even Nixon is to progressive for 2021 Republican party.
modern Republican party is rooted in Reaganism.

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Agreed, conservative democrats were authoritarians in the 1800’s

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Reagan would be considered a RINO today.

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