…or you could examine it deeper and understand…which comes first, the chicken or the egg? The higher income may very well reflect there are a higher percentage of l’il pigs that are building their houses out of bricks. Financial success takes decades of preparation and hard work. You are clueless to the “entire story”. You’re an excuse maker. Now…carry on with pushing your losing attitude in life.
Living in Cal it’s amazing to see these hard core dem that can’t seem to see how their policies have cause so much homelessness and poverty. They’ve been in power for decades. So, they either can’t learn or don’t care.
My wife talking to a liberal at her work, had the lib say this when talking about crime their laws cause in the cities. " Crime don’t climb"… So, she did not care because it did not affect her.
…of course…because as the income increases, it displays the historical preparation and internal habits they practiced in which to achieve that financial success. Do you deny that?
You cannot decrease poverty for people who don’t want it. To get out of poverty people must stay out of trouble, finish school, learn a valuable skill, stay the hell away from drugs and gangs, not have children when you’re a teenager with only government money to support you. And for God’s sake, don’t make excuses for failure such as white privilege and racism. Do those things and most will be out of poverty. Right? Do you have a better idea?
Do you think the majority of people want to be in poverty?
Agreed. It’s also easier to avoid these pit falls if one does not grow up around these pit falls. I work with inner city youth a lot. Have been for 10+ years. Most of them don’t know another way because their parents, neighbors, cousins etc are all living in the same environment.
But I don’t want to dive into that too much.
So to reiterate my solution to lowering crime lowering poverty. Do you agree?
Yes I agree. If you’re born into that, you’re pretty much screwed from the get-go. Government, especially the democrats who have sat by and watched, doing nothing for decades need to do more. If I were king, the first thing I would do is clear out all the guns and gangs. Then I would offer sponsors to steer these kids in the right direction. Offer tuition to truck driving, welding, electrician and other high paying trades. From what I see, the only thing democrats do is cry racism. They are making things worse, not better.
When you’re soft on the goons, you will have more goons. No more plea deals, no more dropped charges. Screw the mass incarceration crap and get them the hell out of the hood for as long and as quickly as possible. Then the people might have a chance.