Crazyjoe foaming at the mouth

a connection which was fully investigated already, but lets keep calling for a new investigation three years later which doesn’t have anything to do with his dad running for office.

Who you talking about. You guys got Mr. Blackface as PM. I think that is out of order. And making his wife and kids dressing up like that. In one photo his wife even had the dot on her forehead. About as funny as Hillary talking withe that phony southern drawl

I wonder where Hunter’s next country will be?
Kind of depends on whether Joe wins or not, don’t you think?

how dare someone were traditional Indian clothing in India.

If he had used dark makeup would that be funny

can’t be worse then spending 100m tax payer dollar on golf.

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You’ve lost the will to really honestly debate things haven’t you?

Just what I was thinking. If Joe loses it may dry up totally.

Doug is a very honest fellow.

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Because a person with a law degree from Yale can’t get a good job.

Also that 83k is some amazing salary. I don’t make that but it’s not crazy far away. Didn’t Trump make more as an infant?

83000 per month. Not bad for a guy with no experience in the field he was hired in. :roll_eyes:

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Dude, we’re not as stupid as you think we are.

He was hired to be on a board of trustees there is no experience required.

Oh was that a month? My mistake. I’m way below that. My mistake

No problem. :+1:

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Come on, man! This is a tippy top thread and you know it!


Beautiful. You mean because he didn’t have to do anything but be Joes son, of course. And your are right.

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being rich with famous parents is a dream.

You think Trump Jr worked his way up?