Crazyjoe foaming at the mouth

No. He gets a lot of inherited money his father and grandfather made in real estate. That is different than getting money piled on you from foreign countries because your father represents US interests in those countries.

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Right on the money!

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You don’t think foreign countries are pouring cash into Trump companies to try and win favor, you don’t think Don Jr and Eric are using their dad to enrich their own companies.

A better example is the son in law. Bailed out by how many billions in Arab state money? And he’s qualified to handle middle east policy.


You mean the one who openly did they get their financing from Russians? That guy?

Hunter got paid handsomely, and, resigned just a few days before daddy announced daddy wants to be demo nomination for President.

You the man, Doug. Great point, Bto

You the one who brought it up. I am innocent :ear_of_rice:

Are we back to the Russians, again, Tommy :roll_of_toilet_paper:

Who gave the Iranians pallets of money in the dead of night? Oh crazy joe was only the VP

Do you get 84k monthÂż

You’re Trump’s toughest critic.

Nope I like this President.

A lot of class warfare in this thread against the Biden family. Funny.

They’re deathly afraid of him for 2020. And obviously, and full-on attack on him here will derail is presidential bid. :wink:

What do you know about the Iran deal? I’m guessing that’s it. Do you know that was their money? You’re a poe.

Oh yeah yeah the polls that showed hillary winning. Yeah ok :joy:

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Dont hurt yourself with that kind of stretch chief

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Whaaaaaaat. Finders keepers losers weepers, Adam… follow the bouncing ball. I do not care about the EU, Iran, or illegal aliens. What is so hard for you to understand. Go cry to your union rep and the PC police. If you can’t stand the roar, stay off the decks. Go run to your safe space