Crazy people should get help and take their meds

Looks like someone may still be suffering from TDS. Trump has been gone for six months.

You know my ex-wife used to bring up ■■■■ that happened years ago.

Get over Trump, please.

Feel free to point out where I mentioned Trump. At all. I’ll wait.

I would like to flush most of them down a toilet, myself. ■■■■■■■ fruit cakes one fry short of a happy meal.

It’s all fun and games until someone else feels the same about you. But let me guess, that’s difeRRent.

Oh trumps the Constitution. I thought you mentioned D Trump. My bad.

I turn off when I hear crying and trump’s in same sentence.

I ain’t crazy, Bro. And if I went senile, I would hope my kids don’t let me wander around and play in the traffic. Or, threaten a plane load of people and melt down. What the ■■■■ is wrong with peace and quiet and pursuit of happiness?

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maybe she was spitting or screaming her lungs out. hard to say. but if she wasn’t doing those things, no need to tape the mouth.

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We may agree on that. And she was a biter.

Understandable. Maybe she thought she was on a United Airlines flight. Biting in that case would probably be justified.

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That was funny . We all have the airlines from hell.

I am going to have a talk with my kids to take action if I ever become senile. Or then again if I am senile maybe libs would vote me in as president. :cowboy_hat_face::cowboy_hat_face::cowboy_hat_face:

Even the mentally ill have the right to defend themselves against potential threats. Real or imaginary.

Maybe crazy lady got mad because she was not allowed to sniff hair and breath down someone’s beck.

Nope they should be medicated if they loose contact with reality.

And yet anyone trying to open one gets arrested. It’s a serious matter, and trying to portray it as merely “behavior we don’t like” is still dishonest. I have no doubt you know that.


Yes I understand when confronted with facts instead of admitting you were wrong, you double down and try to change the subject. Because you’re consistent or something.

the poster is correct. trying to open that door is dangerous erratic behavior. just because it doesn’t open easily doesn’t mean it’s no big deal. how ridiculous. please just stop

Here is a history of de institutionalization of the mentally ill:

It appears de institutionalization was an affirmation of the adage that the road to hell was paved by those who meant well.

A senile Bosun couldn’t possibly be any worse than some office holders in perfect health!

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Did he try to open a closed airplane door, in flight or otherwise?