COVID Mitigation Questions

What about this?

Is your local school that small? Mine is.

I’m talking classroom size. The average elementary school class size in this country is 23.1. The average secondary school class size is 24.3.

I’m talking Pre-K thru 8th. lol

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I work in a medium-sized preK-12 private school. As I understand so far, we will have all kids at school, but on a block schedule so we only meet half of our students each day. But that is the plan now. That may change by August and my guess is that we will shut down again come flu season.

So we’re looking at a year?

I am talking about the psychological effects of faceless people and no physical contact. Not knowing half the people you study or work with. No shoulder to cry on.

Imagine being a 12 year-old looking for a first love. No hand-holding, no sneaking a kiss.

Are we at risk of becoming NPC?

What is the difference between this and the grey uniforms of the cultural revolution?


Our elementary school is going to offer an option of being physically in school or stay at home with virtual school over ipads. Hopefully enough will want to stay at home to reduce the size even further. And for those at school there are to be other precautions taken that are not yet detailed.
If any school has an outbreak then it may be temporarily closed down and switched to virtual.

It’s going to linger for a while.

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How important is socialization in school-aged children?

I think we can safely assume adolescents won’t be giving up sex, no matter how bad it gets.

I think they already are. But I didn’t say anything about sex.

I have always maintained that there will be a huge mental health crisis once this pandemic is behind us. Depression, drug abuse, alcohool abuse, domestic violence to name but a few.

This is a pandemic with no easy answers. Every solutjon has some negative consequence.

On my block, that is not a question, there are so many kids.
The bigger question is how many parents need a place to put their kids while they go to work.

It’s going to be a question.

School isn’t the only place to socialize. If my kids were still younger, I’d be keeping them home and they would get supervised socialization with the children of other parents I judged to be halfway decent at masking, hygiene and social distancing. Even if that’s less socialization it’s only for a year, hopefully.

I don’t see adolescents giving up anything. I live near a school yard. There seem to always be teenagers handing out in groups around there, often in the basketball courts.

Love, kissing and hand holding, all part of sex.

Something I told my kids all the time growing up when they said so and so is allowed to do it, their parents don’t love them very much sweetheart.

That’s going to change. Little kids socializing through a mask?

Stop dude.