Not in the liberal DNA.

Alcohol Use and Cancer
Most people know that heavy alcohol use can cause health problems. But many people may not be aware that alcohol use can increase their cancer risk.
Not in the liberal DNA.
I think most are. I’m not into COVID shaming or blaming the victims.
Absence of well wishes. Focus on shifting the narrative.
The OP…
How did Trump manage to infect Harris’ communication director? Quite a feat.
Does anyone think mitigation measures are 100% effective?
From a recent study amplified by the CDC, we know masks are not in 71% of cases.
Does anyone think mitigation measures are 100% effective?
No, but some people’s carefully constructed narrative fails if they concede the point.
Denying science? Tsk, tsk.
Is there nothing else the government can do?
Who is denying science? You?
I agree. We should all be focused on the health of these victims.
Hope they recover. Can we learn anything by looking at the likely mode of transmission?
Absence of well wishes. Focus on shifting the narrative.
The OP…
How did Trump manage to infect Harris’ communication director? Quite a feat.
Where is the concern for the victim? Oh, it came later when it was expedient to express.
Were they being stupid and making light of the virus, or were they taking precautions?
Very infectious viruses tend to spread rapidly. The difference is how you behave.
If you don’t behave like an irresponsible psychopath, but still get—or risk getting—COVID, that means Biden sucks and you gotta vote for Trump.
I feel much worse for the people who does everything right and still gets cancer than the person who ignores the warnings on drinking and smoking and ends up with cancer. They are preventative measures, and that is all.
I posted it. Twice.
I agree. We should all be focused on the health of these victims.
Hope they recover. Can we learn anything by looking at the likely mode of transmission?
What is the likely “mode of tansmission”?
I don’t think you’re using the correct terminology.
In the op and several times after.
I didn’t say anything about Biden.
Forgetting the glee when the President tested positive?
Drinking causes cancer?
I don’t think President does either.
Most people know that heavy alcohol use can cause health problems. But many people may not be aware that alcohol use can increase their cancer risk.
I posted it. Twice.
I’m not sure you are interpreting the data correctly.
I agree. We should all be focused on the health of these victims.
Hope they recover. Can we learn anything by looking at the likely mode of transmission?
What is the likely “mode of tansmission”?
I don’t think you’re using the correct terminology.
I don’t think you quoted me accurately. Why use quotation marks if you get it wrong?
I am not a Trump supporter,