COVID fascists on display

We are a Giant Step closer to being there and with the libs Blessings apparently. :roll_eyes:


murder is always the acceptable response.

Yet here we are talking about it freely on the internet, so much for all powerful censorship.

Because private companies get to decide what to censor or not censor.

How so?

The media and libs continue to spread that disinformation.

They always seem to "forget" that he also said he wasn’t talking about supremacists and others by saying fine people.

Again with the random claims … where are you getting these statements of “fact”?

They fully embraced BLM and the DSA, who both proudly embraced a brutal communist dictatorship this week. It’s not difficult to perform basic arithmetic.

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It is when tyranny is involved. Tyrants understand nothing better than the sight of their own blood.

Amen to that.

So you were just making a stupid comparison, got it

OH and they are certanatly trying to do it by proxy.

“Surgeon General Vivek Murthy called on social media companies Thursday to curb misinformation related to the coronavirus pandemic and vaccines in his first health advisory since being confirmed to the position.”

who defines what is and isn’t tyranny?

The people being tyrannized. Mandatory medical treatment may be mild compared to what some people have faced from their government, but it is tyranny nonetheless.

based on their politics. right

you’re starting to catch on. i think.

welcome to capitalism baby.

Good, shows they are clearly censoring by proxy, will come in hand in court.


Comedy gold.

You believe the government is always right about medicine? cough Tuskgegee cough


Why thank you for graciously allowing us this forgotten corner of the internet. Too kind, really.

welcome to censorship baby

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