COVID Changing the World?

That’s nice.


Who is going to do it? You?


We should take a hardline tac on readiness across the board on “health” decisions.

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There’s always someone to do it…we’ll just make sure whatever decisions they make have no effect on readiness.

For me, just a change of scenery. Wfh gets dull sometimes. Maybe have a lunch with coworkers or chat at coffee machine to talk about non work stuff.

A paid social hour? :rofl:

stay home and leave everyone else alone.


Have you ever work in IT or corporate office? Do you think they work 8 full hours straight?

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Corporate yes. And I actually know the stats on productivity from several studies.

I find it amusing that you would force your fellow employees to come into an office because “you get lonely”.

103 discharged. 180,958 active right now. Marines are fine.

I think Covid has the ability to change the medical world. In a great way. I think we will see the world of genetic therapy and medical treatment for many diseases become not just possible, but usable. Diseases could become curable. Research will become less complicated.

I think we will see great medical advances over the next 5 years.

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Imho the on line thing works for college or adults taking classes on line…but children need to be in school…in a classroom without masks on interacting with other humans…developing their social skills running amok on the playground…

Kids need to be playing in the band or singing in the choir or trying to make the playoffs in the sport of their choice.

Between the deprivation of fresh air with those damn masks on and the losing once in a lifetime opportunities they simply age out of our society has engaged and mass child abuse for the last two years.

If someone is sick and needs to stay home we now know how to stream classes on line…awesome…

But kids need to be in physically in school…and they don’t need to be wearing masks 8 hours a day while they are there.

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How would you know?

Let the small group of unvax leave. Thank you for your service.

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I am in my 2nd year (this time) of college. In my math for example, my first 2 math classes I averaged 95%, one was hybrid but all quizzes and exams were online, my 2nd was all online. If I got stuck on an equation, I had a crutch called Google and/or homework (which was also all online) to find the setup for the equation. In my last math class homework and quizzes were online, exams were actually in class. 100% on homework, 96 on quizzes, 73 on in class exams. I got lazy and relied on my crutches and my grade showed it. My other classes were all A’s. To be fair though, my greek/Latin lit class, well, you would have to literally not show up for class and not do the quizzes to fail. The professor gave us 3 days for quizzes, could use ANYTHING on the quizzes including groups of us setting a time and doing them together…lol

This next semester the math (Trig) will be the same setup as my last one, needless to say I will go back to how I studied when I got my AAS 15 years ago. Aced all my math classes, and most others and this was NOT online. I learned more then than I have now. Simply too easy online.

Then make it an option, if one wants to attend on campus classes let them, online, let them. Zoom works great for that and they can/do it both ways where it is done on zoom and on campus for the same class. My first math and my classic greek/Latin lit class was this way.

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Hell when I was at my last job, and the one before that I was in IT. This was obviously pre-covid, I spent more time shooting the breeze with co-workers than actually working most days. Especially between Thanksgiving and New Years, budgets were getting tight, people taking vacations, we were SLOW!!!
Even doing refresh projects, we would be able to push out the entire month of December’s refreshes done in 1 maybe 2 weeks. Done by the 2nd week of December and cruise the last few weeks just dealing with day to day issues.

To date, 169 Marines have been discharged for refusing the vaccine, and thousands more face the same fate after the Department of Defense’s mandate on all active-duty service members went into effect for the Marine Corps on Nov. 28.


My youngest daughter went to a hybrid high school, online courses taken at school, combined with classes with 8-10 kids in class.

She did well in that setting. Not all would…the social butterflies, and those that want to play sports would not do as well.

Indeed, why listen to people who spend 4-8 years of college courses, and then work in their field for 20+years…when there are so many that have Google search Degrees.