Coronavirus Thread Political

This is going to wreck our healthcare.

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Again, they eat rhino horn to combat ED. Now, put some essential oils on your earlobes and stop worrying about their voodoo.

Nurses going on strike will show them!!

Trumpā€™s new spokesperson.

So this is fake news and people canā€™t have permanent damage, even with survival, of this virus?


Iā€™d take it with a grain of salt. Probably a scare to cause panic.

Why would China be engaged in scare tactics? Theyā€™re already seriously contracting economically as a result of this. And their MO thus far has been to under-report and downplay. Why the sudden shift of gears to the opposite end of the spectrum? That doesnā€™t make logical sense to me.

Donā€™t get me wrong, I hope youā€™re correct. But what informs your opinion here?

Pretty sure that they and Russia have been engaged in a disinformation campaign this entire time. This would tie into that. And the use of AIDS as one of the combinations just amps up the scariness. I would have thought theyā€™d go with hiv if it were legit.

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Going to hitting DC soon.

Thatā€™s a fair point. Iā€™ll put the left side of my hair thatā€™s on fire out for now. But the right side is gonna burn bright for a bit longer.

Good, light your hair back on fire.

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They proved teleportation a few years back. I think thatā€™s even the same news agency.

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Something even scarier to consider, remember musing on the political ramifications of Iranā€™s handling of CV and how the youth could stage a political movement in the event that older leaders die off?


Dammit man. Where is my Zippo and lighter fluid?


Bernie supporters are young.

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Another really fair point. Iā€™m hopeful, but youā€™re right, the options include positions that could be perilous in a number of ways.

Manā€¦there are times I wish I didnā€™t pay attention to politics and world affairs. And was mindlessly ignorant on what is happening around me like so many other Americans. Drooling while they watch the Kardashians and American Idol, or whatever non-political junkies do.

Santelli is a fool. I actually know him, he used to do his reports from the trading floor standing next to me.

Iā€™ve grown accustom to doing both. Donā€™t let life slip past you, stop and smell the roses every now and again.

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I try my best. My wife helps keep me grounded in this regard. As do my grands. But itā€™s a weird juxtaposition in that my fear is not for me, and is for them. But good advice nonetheless.

In terms of politics, not this pandemic crap thatā€™s worth worrying over, thereā€™s not much you can do about it. Itā€™s 140,000,000 people against 120 or so on a message board. We can bitch about the results, but producing an outcome is beyond us.

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