Coronavirus Thread Political

True. But on a related note, this doesn’t inspire a lot of confidence either.

Memewhile, there are narratives that can be controlled through the use of multimedia content.


You’re in play by play mode. What I said last week is gaining more and more truth. This thing was a pandemic 3 weeks ago. We’re going through the motions, but containment is dead and gone, if it was ever possible to begin with.

That’s why I didn’t get all bent out of shape when what’s his face asked if I’d like to get it. Hell, I probably already have or will.

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I actually laughed all the way through that. Still chuckling.


Yah, you run with that.

In your own sphere of family and friends, are there any panicking whom you can calm down? Tell 'em just to stop touching their face? (That’s what the masks are actually for, by the way, to remind people to stop touching their face. And to prevent the ill from giving their germs to others.)

It’s a ripple effect in our own lives.

I made no such statement.

We’re licking shrines.

This is what he said.

SANTELLI: Of course, people are getting nervous. And listen, I’m not a doctor. I’m not a doctor. All I know is, think about how the world would be if you tried to quarantine everybody because of the generic-type flu. Now I’m not saying this is the generic-type flu. But maybe we’d be just better off if we gave it to everybody, and then in a month it would be over because the mortality rate of this probably isn’t going to be any different if we did it that way than the long-term picture, but the difference is we’re wreaking havoc on global and domestic economies.

It wouldn’t surprise me.

The level of debate and info in this newly consolidated thread is just incredible!

Biting my lip. Don’t say it, don’t say it… . :rofl:

Don’t be scared.

Dem’s succeed if America fails. It’s pretty much their only hope for November.

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Religious symbols, dammit!

Uh huh, I see what you’re doing there.

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Had you read through either thread, you would have noticed that you’re parroting my exact words from earlier about the mask.

You dont wing and make promises. Nobody is gonna fault trump if he says…look we are making them as fast as possible but we are pumping out 10k a week atm and that’s increasing as we go.



The TSA screener that has tested positive supposedly was wearing all of the required protective gear including a mask and again supposedly taking all protective measures.

That doesn’t add up.


Caught it riding on the bus going to work. Wonder how many food servers are contamined?