Coronavirus Thread Political

How are these two things different?

The Trump administration won’t be able to meet its promised timeline of having a million coronavirus tests available by the end of the week, senators said after a briefing from health officials.

There won’t be a million people to get a test by the end of the week,” Republican Senator Rick Scott of Florida said in Washington Thursday. “It’s way smaller than that. And still, at this point, it’s still through public-health departments.”

That wasn’t what Hahn said on Sunday!

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Don’t be pedantic man.

Azar promised 1,000,000 by the end of the week. Pence promises 1,500,000 by the end of the week. Reality is there will be 75,000 by the end of the week.

Do you consider this a promise fulfilled?


Indeed. That was before he had to toe the Trump gaslighting line.

No which is a great example of why it’s foolish to make promises when you can’t control the outcome.

Whomever is in charge of production needs a boot in the ass and to make a public apology of over promising.

As I’ve mentioned before on this subject it’s better to under promise and over deliver than to over promise and under deliver.

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Except it wasn’t Hahn…it was former commish Gottlieb…and Gottlieb was actually right

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Neither can you.

I completely agree about the under promise, over deliver position.

As @Konssurvative1 pointed out, the administration said on Sunday we would have approximately 70,000 kits available by the end of the week. Then magically they testified on Wednesday that it would be 1,000,000, and Azar backed this new position.

Who could have possibly intervened to convince them to modify their promise from what it actually ended up being, making them right, versus some random BIG number like ONE MILLION!?!?!


1st case confirmed in CO, now. I’m actually surprised it wasn’t sooner.


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The people in charge of production?

You think the administration would force them to over promise knowing they couldn’t deliver?

That wouldn’t make sense in any universe.

Or…gasp…it wasn’t the people in charge of production that demanded people from the administration claim ONE MILLION kits would be available? And perhaps it was someone with a multiple-decades long history of lying and making up astronomical figures that make him seem better than he actually is?

Never, right? Unfathomable.

Yes, let’s go with your conspiracy theory.

It makes perfect sense that Trump would order them to make promises nobody thought they could keep knowing it would embarrass them all.

Damn, why didn’t I think of that?

Gottlieb is not part of the admin. But he was right. I thought he was current FDA Commish…he is not.

Have you not been paying attention for the last 3+ years? That’s EXACTLY what he does. Because he only plays to his base. And he knows his base will believe anything he ever says. No matter what. Come on man.



It’s funny after all the correcting of Trump this week that you don’t feel he misspoke about the million tests by the end of the week…its clear that Trump has little or no idea what he’s taking about when it comes to " the Corona Flu"

Gottlieb was right, Trump was wrong. FACT!


Kung Flu*

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Like that new avatar! Meme Master. You make that yourself…lol

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Just like the flu folks. Thank goodness the Trump administration is all about downplaying the severity of this. I feel much better now!