Coronavirus Thread Political II

I’m afraid you are bing optimistic. There are many parts of the country just begining to see the infection take hold.

I hope you are right, but I suspect you are not.

The response will grow and counter the infection just as certainly as the rate will peak and decline.

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People believed and had faith in FDR and Churchill because they tempered optimism with realism.

They didn’t shirk from the great costs the war was going to bring. They didn’t hide the pain and suffering that was coming.

People believed in them because they said no matter what came they would do what it takes to win, and soldier on no matter the setbacks.

They didn’t promise miracle weapons that would end the war next week…Churchill even laid out worst case scenarios of Britain being completely overrun by the Nazis. But they would still win anyway.

That’s optimism and hope.

What you’re peddling is false bravado.

We are weeks and weeks away from the resolution, and there is going to be a ■■■■ TON of pain, suffering and death before it’s over.

But we will win anyway.

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You said everything well until the false bravado. This poster is very level headed as I believe you are.

Both are true-some who already have it did recover or are expected to be cleared very soon.

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I am justified in my optimistic view.

You are wrong in the mischaracterization of false bravdo and I ask you to remove that.

You do agree that we will get through this…That is also optimistic.

On a negative note. Why is the UK still allowing air travel from China Italy and Iran? I hope they are taking strict quarantine protocols.

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Are we? Down from 3 to 1 in a week? Strange.

All we can do is hope.

Yeah, we worked it out. But thanks.

We’ve been over this. Are you denying that Korea focused testing on clusters? Are you claiming they are testing everyone again?

Are not New York and Los Angeles clusters?

Was/is Korea testing whole cities of millions?

They tested everyone with symptoms and put huge effort into isolation and tracking.

LA and New York have said “We don’t have enough supplies to do that, so we are only testing those for whom a test may change the recommended treatment”.

You see the difference, right?

Did they? You sure about that?

Did NYC and LA not also lock down? I’d like to see where they said it was a lack of supplies please.

“At this point in the pandemic, demand for unnecessary testing is contributing to the rapidly diminishing supply of PPE and leading to a decreasing supply of swabs and viral transport media used to collect diagnostic specimens for Covid-19 testing,” a statement read. “Testing may play a more significant role after the pandemic has peaked.”

Ah, supplies. I was thinking tests. Yeah, that’s what we get for putting our supply chain hook in China.

That last sentence is interesting.



My gut says that due to the extensive homelessness and that so many are in close proximity, it has the makings for the perfect storm for this corona virus. Many are already in poor health and I’m seeing potential human devastation.

Yeah they are going to get decimated. Especially with how moist the air they’re breathing at night has been the last month

Talk about groundhog day.
Good lord you all sound just like people after 911 who were willing to give up rights after 911 because they were afraid of dying.
Now these same people complain about how the government now takes advantage of prying into their lives and uses those rights we gave up against the citizens.
These same people are so afraid of dying that they are now begging DC to create another useless government agency the same way they cried for the government to create the DHS another useless government agency. In a few years these same people will be crying when this now agency is used against them.
Get a grip people this is not the end of the world.
You all keep wanting something that is not possible.
A big bloated mommy government to save you from the hazards of life. You want this mommy so bad that you are willing to give your life over to them for a false sense of security.
The federal government does not care about you. You are just a number on a page to them. Your life or death only matter to them on election day. After that you are expendable because next election there will be someone else to take your place.
This too will pass. And life will go on. But every right you give up will never be given back.
Do you even know how many troops are sent into battle by your mommy government with that government knowing that those troops are going to die that day. Just so they can win the battle the next day. You are not important to them. You are just a means to an end. And they will willing give your life to achieved their goals.
Look after yourself and your loved ones. Get involved in your local and state government. These are the people who will save your butt.