Coronavirus Thread Political II

Oh please stop with the messageboard platitudes and slogans.

Who are you going to fight exactly?

No one is ignoring what they said. They’re ignoring the left’s hair on fire as always demonization of the right’s response. We’ll all be washing our hands and taking extra precautions, but we’re going back to work. Stay home if you can’t bring yourself to do the same.


The people who would like to see everyone stay home and watch the economy continue to suffer.


Laying on the couch eating Cheetos and playing video games isn’t fighting.


That’s what gets me about those who complained that all this distancing and locking down should be done from the national level. Several months ago they were all panicked about Trump the authoritarian and Trump the would be great dictator. Now they are all outraged that he didn’t take over the police power of all the states and put it in his own hands, which is exactly what he would have had to have done to enforce a lockdown.


That isn’t accurate.

Did you miss the protests that have begun to get business open.

You rhetorically right here…right now.

May is on track to be my greatest month of all time. I wonder if that’s due to all of my competition being closed in other states? If so, staaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy closed! :sunglasses:

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Why hasn’t legitimate science fixed this?

And what kind of caution is science demanding? Wash your hands, cough into your sleeve, keep your distance. Got it! Let’s go to work.

Cough into your sleeve is very sciency, isn’t it?


Was everybody drafted?

Isn’t it ironic that the people demanding the house arrest continue are still getting paid and are dems?

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Tyranny! Oppression!

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You choose to believe the “science” that aligns with your political beliefs and nothing more…period. Now prove me wrong, when the “science” shows that staying at home accounts for 66% of the hospitalizations now in NY. Which is better based on the science, stay at home or opening back up and applying common sense precautions to avoid catching the virus plus getting our economy back on track?

REVEALED: 66% of New York state coronavirus hospitalizations are people staying at HOME and NOT essential workers - which begs question: Does lockdown even work?

  • A study of hospitals last week found that of 1,000 patients, 66 percent were people staying at home
  • 73% of the new hospitalizations were people aged 51 and over and 96% had underlying health conditions

Talk to me Goose. :sunglasses:


Lol its hilarious to see Americans still thinking its 1776. No one today is living under an oppressive or tyrannical regime in the US or in many other areas of the world.

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It’s hilarious seeing Tories reference 1776.

That’s like stopping your antibiotic early because you feel better already…

Yes. Preventing/prolonging herd immunity by staying home is just like that.


Not true. Millions of Americans under house arrest. Political prisoners.

De Oppresso Liber!

We have to start re-opening the economy – it’s a very delicate balancing act.

It’s still going to be a while before a resturant is back up to full capacity. Many states are only allowing 25% seating in resturants. Hopefully:
A) Mr 64 year old has applies for SS bennefits at 62 when he could
B) Mr/Mis resturant/cafe owner is calling back the least vulnerable employee’s first.
C) Mr 64 year old is taking the precautions he feels necessary while doing all the other things in his life like shopping and other places he goes out to.