Coronavirus Thread Political II

It was 25 people and the author of the study said they need further testing

Wait, so after all your ranting about a lack of response and preparedness by the federals you want them to fail to prepare in case the outbreak gets completely out of control?

Thank god you’ll never be in charge of anything.

Supplies should go to states that need them

Not put the unprofessional emotionalism into it plus acknowledge the positive strides that are being made. Have you heard ANYTHING positive?

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No, the Fr study published this week was 40 pts. I’ve. Already posted the link several times in multiple threads.

All the paying will need follow-up period since this disease has never been seen before.

What we know so far is that these drugs have show to be effective by all of those around the world trying them.

Why would someone try an unproven drug when there are no drugs proven to be safe and effective for their disease? No thinking person would even need to ask that question of themselves much less publicly.


Without such patients no drg could ever be proven.

They are just bitching to bitch. Period.

What does FEMA stand for and what is its purpose?

Please stop pretending you know anything about clinical trials.

I work in pharma and I actually DO understand them, and more importantly I know the experts like Dr. Fauci do.

A 40 patient trial isn’t even close to being large enough to determine whether this is going to be a broad based solution. Certainly not enough to be a snake oil salesman and proclaim this a cure or even hint that it is.

There are currently seven more trials registered for these drugs that will test this hypothesis on more patients yielding more definitive results on both a breadth AND depth of patients. Small genetic differences lead to large differences in phenotypic responses, so as I said, it is snake oil salesmanship to pretend we are close to a cure. We are NOT, and you can tell Trump is starting to piss Fauci off by continuing to insist we are.

Let’s wait for the results of these trials (which will take MONTHS) and also the results of the two trials to see whether the drugs can prevent non-infected people from being infected, before we start praising these as the miracle drugs.

All that said, I know there will be a lot of off label use of these in the coming weeks and that’s fine. When it’s life and death and you don’t have options…why not give it a shot? I bet you will note the doctors will NOT be telling the patients or their loved ones that these drugs will cure.

You give hope to people by being both optimistic AND realistic.

You do NOT provide hope by being a snake oil salesman. That STEALS hope…it doesn’t give it.

FDR and Churchill inspired their peoples to fight, not because they promised easy victory but because they promised they would do whatever it takes.

THAT’S how you provide hope.


Seems to me with those results from that study, for those people who are in bad shape and have the possibility of dying, why not try it, even if there are more studies necessary to see how successful the drug is. It is a drug that has a long history and if it can possibly help people, why not give it to them now. It seems to be that Cuomo was asking to give a chance for those possibly dying New York patients. Maybe it won’t be 100% successful like in the study but it just saves one person why ain’t it worth it? Especially since the ultimate side effect of not trying this drug might be death?

I just said this. :sunglasses:

There will be a ton of off label use of these drugs and I don’t mind either that or making sure the drugs are there to be given.

But as I said, the doctors will use them but they will NOT be telling either the patients or their loved ones that they are guaranteeing a cure.

If they do they should be fired.

Ha. Tell me another story, champ.

The peer reviewed published study is the actual science beings denied,

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Sure, i think so, as of now, we don’t know that it is a cure at all for sure. We know that it helped some people. I think Trump acknowledged it as well. I don’t think there are many who say that this is a guaranteed cure, but it might possibly give some hope. Sure perhaps that study was flawed, and lots of studies are necessary for true validation or nonvalidation of the drug in treatment of the virus, but since a vaccine may not be ready for a year and a half, we are going to need some treatments in the meantime and having hope, as long as it is a qualified hope, ain’t all that bad imo. I don’t know of who it is that is guaranteeing that it is a cure for all those suffering from this virus.


He of course did but that’s completely irrelevant. The last thing these hatemongers want is positive news relative to the outbreak in the US

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Given the current climate it wouldnt shock me for them to say congress…

Trump is bored…trump cant handle adulting


I didn’t say the study was flawed.

I said it wasn’t even close to being enough.

And a Trump does pretty much push it as a cure.

And you have to be careful when you do that because Chinese officials’ initial praise and approval for use of chloroquine led to some issues when it was given in too large a dose.

Chloroquine has a reasonable but narrow therapeutic window…the dose range where you get the effects you want and it’s not toxic. Chloroquine can be toxic…it led to poisonings in both China and Nigeria when administered by inexperienced physicians. Hydroxychloroquine is less toxic but still you need to be careful with the dosage.

Selling it as even being close to a cure can cause trouble.

It’s going to be used off label enough…pushing it too hard as a cure might cause people to be sickened or even killed by the drug itself.

That’s why we do all the proper trials…so it can be labeled properly.

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See told you…congress fault.

If anything predictable

This is disingenuous because the arguments for what Trump is being taken to task for are NOT that he did nothing, but that what he did was woefully incomplete and what he’s doing now should have been started at least a month ago.

So now we are going to take a bigger hit than we had to.

I know you’ve been reading this thread. I know you know this is the argument.

So congress bears no responsibility for either acting or failing to act but the POTUS is responsible for everything… Makes perfect sense.

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